September 1-30

Attendance Awareness Month

Make sure to mark your calendars - Attendance Awareness Month is here! Join us in celebrating, and learn more about the importance of attendance.

Yearly Date
September 1


September 1 marks the start of Attendance Awareness Month! This is a time to celebrate attendance and focus on the importance of showing up to school every day. It's an annual event that was started in 2011 by the Attendance Works campaign, which aimed to raise awareness about chronic absenteeism. Studies have shown that students who keep a consistent attendance rate are more likely to succeed academically, so it's important for parents and guardians to make sure their children attend school regularly. Join us in celebrating this special month and raising awareness about the impact that attendance has on student success!

Attendance Awareness Month Timeline

Attendance Works Founded
The Attendance Works initiative is launched to raise awareness on the importance of school attendance, eventually leading to the start of Attendance Awareness Month.
First National Webinar
Attendance Works held its first national webinar to discuss the importance of reducing chronic absenteeism, sparking conversations across the country.
National Campaign Success
The Attendance Awareness Campaign reaches a significant milestone with 50 states participating in the initiative to combat chronic absenteeism.
President Obama's Proclamation
President Barack Obama proclaims September as Attendance Awareness Month, underlining the federal government's commitment to address chronic absenteeism.
COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic presents new challenges for attendance, highlighting the need to address both physical and virtual absenteeism.

How to Celebrate Attendance Awareness Month


Host an Attendance Rally

Hold a rally with school staff, teachers, administrators and students to celebrate Attendance Awareness Month. Have the rally focus on why attendance is important and the positive impact it has on academics and overall student success.


Create an Attendance Video

Involve students, teachers and school staff in creating a video about the importance of attendance and how it can help to improve academic performance. This video can be shared on social media or posted on the school website.


Organize an Attendance Challenge

Encourage students to make attendance a priority by organizing an attendance challenge. Offer rewards such as gift cards for the student with perfect attendance or those who have improved their attendance the most.


Hold a Dress Up Day

Encourage students to show their school spirit by holding a dress up day during Attendance Awareness Month. Ask students to come dressed in their favorite team jersey or school colors.


Plan an Attendance Field Trip

Reward students with perfect attendance with a fun field trip. Visit a local museum, amusement park, or take a hike in nature to celebrate Attendance Awareness Month.

Why Attendance Awareness Month is Important


Attendance is linked to academic success

Studies have shown that students with good attendance typically perform better in school than those who are absent or tardy on a regular basis. This is likely because attending school regularly helps students stay engaged in their learning, develop relationships with teachers and peers, and gain a better understanding of the course material.


Good attendance habits can carry over into adulthood

Having good attendance habits at an early age can set you up for successful transitions into adulthood. Showing up to work on time, meeting deadlines, and generally having a dependable attitude all start with good attendance habits in school. So what better way to prepare yourself for future success than by developing healthy attendance routines now?


Attendance affects more than just academics

When students miss school, it can also have a negative impact on their social and emotional health. Students often feel isolated from their peers when they're away from school, leading to feelings of loneliness or depression. In addition, missing out on extracurriculars like band or sports can make it harder for teens to participate in activities they enjoy and connect with others who share similar interests.

Attendance Awareness Month Dates

Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1