December 16

Barbie And Barney Backlash Day

Ready to rebel against the perfect plastic image? Join the movement on Barbie And Barney Backlash Day and embrace your unique self!

Yearly Date
December 16


Get ready to celebrate Barbie and Barney Backlash Day on December 16! This day was created as a response to the popular children's toys, Barbie and Barney, which have faced criticism over the years for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and mindless entertainment. While some may argue that these toys bring joy to many children, others see them as problematic influences on young minds. This holiday encourages people to reflect on the impact of consumerism and media on our society, and to find more meaningful ways to connect with children. So let's use this day as an opportunity to spread positivity and teach valuable lessons to future generations!

Barbie And Barney Backlash Day Timeline

Barbie's Debut
Barbie, the famous fashion doll manufactured by American toy company Mattel, Inc., was introduced at the American International Toy Fair in New York.
Barney's Television Debut
Barney, a friendly purple dinosaur, began airing on PBS, quickly becoming a beloved character amongst preschool-aged children.
First Barbie Controversy
A highly controversial voice box was introduced in Teen Talk Barbie which said, "Math class is tough", leading to criticism about promoting stereotypes.
Barney Backlash Begins
Parents and educators begin criticizing Barney for his performances, asserting his sing-song manner oversimplifies children's understanding of the world.
Start of Barbie and Barney Backlash Day
The first Barbie and Barney Backlash Day is celebrated, focusing on promoting healthy body image and critical thinking in children.
Diverse Barbie Evolution
In response to the continual criticism, Mattel releases a range of Barbies with various body types, skin tones, eye colours and hairstyles.

How to Celebrate Barbie And Barney Backlash Day


Host a themed party

Throw a party to celebrate Barbie and Barney Backlash Day! Encourage guests to dress up as their favorite anti-Barbie or anti-Barney character and have fun with decorations and activities that poke fun at the popular children's icons.


Create a parody skit or video

Gather some friends and create a funny parody skit or video that showcases the negative aspects of Barbie and Barney. This can be a fun way to express your opinions and make others laugh at the same time.


Have a Barbie and Barney bonfire

Gather any old Barbie dolls or Barney toys you may have lying around and have a bonfire to symbolically say goodbye to these childhood icons. You can also encourage guests to bring their own dolls or toys to add to the fire.


Organize a social media campaign

Spread the message of Barbie and Barney Backlash Day by organizing a social media campaign. Create hashtags and share posts that highlight the negative impact of these popular children's icons and encourage others to join in on the movement.


Donate to a charity that supports body positivity

Use this day as an opportunity to give back by donating to a charity that supports body positivity and self-love. This can be a way to combat the negative messages often associated with Barbie and Barney's unrealistic body standards.

Why We Love Barbie And Barney Backlash Day


It's a day to celebrate the power of individuality

Barbie and Barney Backlash Day is a reminder that it's okay to be different and go against societal norms. The holiday celebrates those who stand out and challenge the status quo, promoting the importance of individuality and self-acceptance.


It brings awareness to negative influences on children

Barbie and Barney have long been criticized for promoting unrealistic body standards and consumerism in young children. This day serves as a reminder to be mindful of what our children are exposed to and promote healthier messages and values.


It encourages critical thinking and reflection

Barbie and Barney Backlash Day encourages us to take a step back and think about the bigger picture - how certain societal norms or expectations may affect our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It promotes questioning and critical thinking, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

Barbie And Barney Backlash Day FAQs

When is Barbie And Barney Backlash Day?
Barbie And Barney Backlash Day is observed annually on December 16th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Tuesday.

Barbie And Barney Backlash Day Dates

Dec 16
Dec 16
Dec 16
Dec 16
Dec 16