April 1-30

Financial Literacy Month

Start this Financial Literacy Month on the right track - learn the fundamentals of money management, investing, and budgeting!

Yearly Date
April 1


April is Financial Literacy Month, and it's the perfect time to brush up on your financial knowledge! This month was created to raise awareness of the importance of having a good understanding of personal finance, and how it can have a huge impact on our lives. Financial literacy has been around since the early 20th century when banks and other institutions started offering classes to teach people about money management. Today, there are many resources available online that can help you take control of your finances. So get ready to celebrate Financial Literacy Month in April and learn something new!

Financial Literacy Month Timeline

Federal Reserve's Establishment
The Federal Reserve was established, marking a turning point in America's financial and economic education.
Banks Begin Financial Education
During the 1920s, various banks started to offer classes on personal money management, promoting the importance of financial literacy.
Introduction of Credit Cards
The introduction of credit cards in 1957 by Bank of America led to an increased need for consumer financial literacy.
Jump$tart Surveys
Jump$tart Coalition started conducting biennial surveys to gauge the state of financial education in US high schools.
Financial Literacy Month
In April 2004, the United States Senate officially recognized April as Financial Literacy Month.
Creation of CFPB
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was established to help educate and protect American consumers in the financial sector.

How to Celebrate Financial Literacy Month


Create a budget

Creating a budget is a great way to start developing financial literacy. Make a list of your income and your expenses and find ways to reduce costs and increase savings.


Track spending

In order to be financially literate, you must know where your money is going. Track your spending and create a budget that you can live with.


Attend a financial literacy seminar

Financial literacy seminars are a great way to learn about budgeting, saving, and investing. These seminars are often free or low cost and can be found through local libraries, banks, or community centers.


Read financial books

Reading books about personal finance is an excellent way to learn more about financial literacy. Look for books written specifically for beginners or those who need a refresher.


Find free financial resources online

There are many free resources online that can help you become more financially literate. Check out websites such as the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada or Money Coaches Canada to find helpful information.

Why Financial Literacy Month is Important


Financial literacy helps people make informed decisions

By having a basic understanding of financial concepts and strategies, people are better able to make smart money decisions. They can weigh the pros and cons of different choices and choose the option that will best benefit them in the long run.


Financial literacy can help people get out of debt

Having an understanding of how various interest rates work, how to budget effectively and other money management concepts can help people pay off their debt faster and more efficiently. This can significantly reduce their financial stress over the long term.


Financial literacy helps build long term wealth

Investing successfully requires knowledge about how the stock market works, when is the best time to buy shares, which investments offer the most potential for growth etc. Having a strong understanding of personal finance concepts helps individuals increase their net worth over time and take control of their finances.

Financial Literacy Month FAQs

When is Financial Literacy Month?
Financial Literacy Month is celebrated every year during the month of April, and in 2025, it will begin on Tuesday, April 1st and conclude on Wednesday, April 30th.

Financial Literacy Month Dates

Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1