February 13

Get a Different Name Day

Celebrate Get a Different Name Day by exploring new identities and giving yourselve a one-of-a-kind name that expresses who you really are!

Yearly Date
February 13


Get ready to celebrate Get a Different Name Day on Feb. 13, when you can legally change your name or simply make use of an alias! This day has been around since the late 1800s and is meant to encourage people to expand their horizons and explore different names they could take on as part of their identity. Whether it's for fun or something more serious, Get a Different Name Day is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking for some adventure in life!

Get a Different Name Day Timeline

Late 1800s
Inception of the Holiday
The tradition of Get a Different Name Day begins, providing an opportunity for people to explore new identities.
Women's Suffrage Movement
During the women's suffrage movement, many women adopt pseudonyms to write and advocate for women's rights, adding significance to Get a Different Name Day.
Witness Protection Program
The Witness Protection Program is established in the United States, further underlining the significance of name changing.
Official Recognition
Get a Different Name Day gets official recognition as a fun and quirky holiday.
Social Media Influence
The holiday gains popularity on social media platforms, leading to an increase in name change activities online.

How to Celebrate Get a Different Name Day


Write a story

Write a short story or poem featuring a character who has a different name than their given name. Get creative and explore the possibilities of why they chose to go by something different.


Create a new persona

Create an alter ego for yourself, complete with a new name. This can be fun to do with friends too, and you can come up with fun backstories for your new personas.


Explore new names

Look up some baby name books or websites and explore new names that you’d like to have. You might even find a few family members or friends who might like to switch up their names too.


Make an alias

Create an online alias or nickname that you can use on social media and other websites. If you’re feeling daring, you could even make business cards with the new name.


Invent a pseudonym

Invent a pen name for yourself in order to write under a different persona. It could be something simple like your middle name and last initial, or something more elaborate.

Why We Love Get a Different Name Day


It's Fun

Getting a different name day is great fun for adults and children alike. Whether you choose to give yourself an entirely new name or put a twist on your current one, it can be an entertaining way to bring more excitement into the everyday. What better excuse to repurpose your favorite pet names than on this festive day!


Be Creative

Get creative with your chosen new name - why not add some alliteration or incorporate elements of pop culture? Even if it’s only for one day, changing up how people address you can be empowering and make you feel special. It’s also a good chance to practice wordplay and come up with original nicknames for friends and family too!


It's Inclusive

Finally, Get A Different Name Day celebrates diversity and inclusiveness. No matter who you are or where you’re from, anyone can take part in this day with a humorous name change. Moreover, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding a new name which makes it perfect for everyone!

Get a Different Name Day Dates

Feb 13
Feb 13
Feb 13
Feb 13
Feb 13