September 30

International Blasphemy Rights Day

Take a stand on International Blasphemy Rights Day - recognize the importance of protecting freedom of expression while promoting respect for all religions!

Yearly Date
September 30


It's time to stand up for freedom of speech and celebrate International Blasphemy Rights Day on Sept. 30! This important holiday was established in 2009 to raise awareness of the global struggle against blasphemy laws, which restrict people's right to express their opinions freely. This day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the importance of free expression and open dialogue, no matter how controversial or unpopular someone's ideas may be. So join us in celebrating International Blasphemy Rights Day and show your support for freedom of speech!

International Blasphemy Rights Day Timeline

Background Incident
The publication of cartoons depicting Islamic prophet Mohammad in Danish newspaper led to worldwide protests and sparked discussions about blasphemy and freedom of speech.
Establishment of IBRD
The Center for Inquiry (CFI) establishes International Blasphemy Rights Day to raise awareness about individuals globally who challenge oppressive laws and social prohibitions against free expression and criticize beliefs they disagree with.
UN Resolution Passed
United Nations Human Rights Council passes resolution 16/18 against religious hate speech, but it does not denounce blasphemy laws directly.
CFI Drive against Blasphemy Laws
The CFI launches a campaign openly challenging blasphemy laws, aiming to decriminalize blasphemy worldwide.
Charlie Hebdo Solidarity
The tragic Charlie Hebdo shootings leads to international demonstrations of solidarity, reaffirming the importance of freedom of speech, even when it may be considered blasphemous.
New Zealand Repeals Blasphemy Law
New Zealand repeals its blasphemy law, joining other countries in the ongoing global movement against such laws.

How to Celebrate International Blasphemy Rights Day


Join a protest

Organize or join an event that speaks out against blasphemy laws and encourages freedom of expression. Make sure to be aware of any local laws or regulations that may limit your ability to do so.


Educate yourself

Read up on the history of blasphemy laws and the effects they have had around the world. Learn about the current situation in countries that have blasphemy laws in effect, and how people are fighting for their rights.


Spread awareness

Share articles, stories, and other resources with your friends and family to help spread awareness of the issues surrounding blasphemy laws. Talk to people and encourage them to learn more about these issues.


Write a letter

Write a letter to your local government officials and representatives expressing your support for freedom of speech and expression. If you know someone who is affected by a blasphemy law, consider writing a letter on their behalf as well.


Support organizations

Research and donate to organizations that are actively working to protect freedom of expression and fight against blasphemy laws around the world. Your support can make a difference.

Why International Blasphemy Rights Day is Important


It promotes freedom of expression and tolerance

International Blasphemy Rights Day highlights the importance of freedom of expression and tolerance of all beliefs. It reminds us that no matter what we believe in, everyone should be free to express their ideas without fear of oppression or censorship.


It allows people to explore different faiths

By celebrating International Blasphemy Rights Day, we remind ourselves that all faiths should be respected, even - and especially - those which differ from our own. This is essential for developing a healthy understanding of other cultures, beliefs and experiences.


It encourages critical thinking

A world where people feel safe enough to question the beliefs of others is one where we can engage in meaningful dialogue and come to a better understanding and respect for each other. By promoting blasphemy rights, we foster an environment where critical thinking is encouraged and embraced rather than suppressed or punished.

International Blasphemy Rights Day FAQs

When is International Blasphemy Rights Day?
International Blasphemy Rights Day is observed annually on September 30th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Tuesday.

International Blasphemy Rights Day Dates

Sep 30
Sep 30
Sep 30
Sep 30
Sep 30