August 23

International Blind Dog Day

Honor International Blind Dog Day and celebrate the unique bond between a blind pup and their human - show them extra love today!

Yearly Date
August 23


It's time to recognize the amazing resilience of blind dogs on International Blind Dog Day on August 23! This special day was created in recognition of the courage and loyalty of these special animals, who have adapted to life without sight. It's a celebration of their strength and spirit, as well as a reminder that they can still be happy and lead full lives. So, let’s all join together in honoring our furry friends by giving them extra love and attention this special day.

International Blind Dog Day Timeline

First Guide Dog Training
The first school for training guide dogs, also known as seeing-eye dogs, is believed to have been established in Vienna, Austria to aid blind veterans of World War I.
The Seeing Eye Founded
The Seeing Eye, the first guide dog school in America, is founded in Nashville, Tennessee. It helps blind individuals enhance their mobility through trained dogs.
UK Guide Dogs Association
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, one of the largest organizations of its kind, is established in the United Kingdom.
Canine Visually Impaired Advocate Groups
Organizations and support groups focusing on healthcare and advocacy for visually impaired canines begin to arise globally, bringing more awareness to the needs of blind dogs.
Online Community Growth
Online communities providing resources, advice, and emotional support for owners of blind dogs gain momentum, forming a global network of assistance.
First International Blind Dog Day
The first official celebration of International Blind Dog Day, raising awareness, and promoting acceptance and inclusion of visually impaired dogs around the world.

How to Celebrate International Blind Dog Day


Organize a fundraiser

Organize a fundraiser for a local animal shelter or organization dedicated to helping blind dogs. You can have bake sales, car washes, and more to raise money.


Adopt a blind dog

Consider adopting a blind dog! There are many shelters and rescue organizations that have blind dogs looking for forever homes. It's a great way to show your support and open your home to a loving companion.


Donate supplies

Donate supplies such as food, toys, and treats to organizations or shelters that help blind dogs. You can also donate money or volunteer your time.


Host an event

Host an event to educate people about blindness in dogs and how to care for them. Invite speakers from local animal shelters or organizations dedicated to helping blind dogs.


Share stories

Share stories of success and triumph with your friends and family. Talk about how amazing and resilient blind dogs are, and how they still manage to live happy and fulfilling lives in spite of their disability.

Why International Blind Dog Day is Important


It raises awareness of blind and visually impaired dogs

International Blind Dog Day helps to educate and bring attention to the unique challenges faced by blind and visually impaired dogs. By promoting this day, we can raise public awareness of these wonderful animals, who have just as much to offer as their sighted counterparts!


It encourages adoption of blind dogs

Blind dogs are some of the least likely to be adopted from animal shelters due to potential difficulties in training or managing them. International Blind Dog Day serves as an opportunity to give these special fur babies a chance at a forever home, which is something all shelter pets deserve!


It promotes compassion for all creatures

By celebrating blind dogs on this day, we are showing our compassionate side and creating a more inclusive environment where everyone is accepted, no matter what they look like or how they act. We hope that this day can be an inspiration for others to reach out and accept people without judgement or prejudice.

International Blind Dog Day FAQs

When is International Blind Dog Day?
International Blind Dog Day is observed annually on August 23rd, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

International Blind Dog Day Dates

Aug 23
Aug 23
Aug 23
Aug 23
Aug 23