April 18

International Jugglers Day

On International Jugglers Day, let's give a round of applause to those who can juggle balls, flaming torches, and our attention all at once!

Yearly Date
April 18


Get ready to be amazed and entertained on International Jugglers Day on April 18! This day celebrates the art of juggling, a skill that has been around for centuries and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. Did you know that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics depict jugglers in action? Juggling has evolved over time, with different props and techniques being used, but the joy it brings remains the same. So whether you're a professional juggler or just enjoy watching their impressive feats, this is the day for you! Let's celebrate the magic of juggling together.

International Jugglers Day Timeline

Modern Circus Established
Philip Astley founds the modern circus, where juggling becomes a popular spectacle.
Barnum's American Museum
P.T. Barnum opens his American Museum in New York City, bringing jugglers to the American public.
IFJA Founded
The International Federation of Jugglers' Associations (IFJA) is established to support and promote global jugglers.
The Juggler Film
The film 'The Juggler', featuring juggling as the main theme, is released and gains international attention.
Guinness World Record
Albert Lucas sets a Guinness World Record by juggling 13 rings, highlighting the advanced skill of modern jugglers.
International Jugglers' Day
International Jugglers' Day becomes a recognized observation, celebrating jugglers around the world.

How to Celebrate International Jugglers Day


Attend a juggling workshop

Sign up for a juggling workshop or class to learn some new tricks and skills from experienced jugglers. It’s a great way to celebrate International Jugglers Day and improve your juggling abilities.


Host a juggling show

Gather some friends and family together and put on a juggling show in your backyard or local park. Invite other jugglers to join in and make it a fun, interactive event for everyone to enjoy.


Watch a juggling performance

Find a local circus or performing arts group that specializes in juggling and attend one of their shows. It’s a great way to support the juggling community and be entertained by some amazing talent on International Jugglers Day.


Create your own juggling props

Get creative and make your own juggling props using household items like socks, tennis balls, or plastic bags. It’s a fun and inexpensive way to celebrate International Jugglers Day and try out some new juggling techniques.


Join a juggling club

Find a local juggling club or group and join in on their weekly meetings or events. It’s a great way to connect with other jugglers, learn new skills, and celebrate the art of juggling on International Jugglers Day.

Why We Love International Jugglers Day


Juggling is Impressive

Jugglers have an incredible skill to coordinate and manipulate multiple objects in the air at once. It's visually stunning and can leave audiences in awe. International Jugglers Day is a day to appreciate this talent and celebrate these performers!


It Promotes Hand-Eye Coordination

Not only is juggling entertaining to watch, but it also requires a lot of practice and focus. By practicing juggling, you can improve your hand-eye coordination, which has been linked to better motor skills and cognitive abilities.


It's a Fun Activity for Everyone

Anyone can try their hand at juggling - no pun intended! Whether you're young or old, athletic or not, everyone can enjoy the challenge and excitement of juggling. Plus, it's a great way to relieve stress and improve concentration.

International Jugglers Day FAQs

When is International Jugglers Day?
International Jugglers Day is celebrated annually on April 18th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Friday.

International Jugglers Day Dates

Apr 18
Apr 18
Apr 18
Apr 18
Apr 18