March 10

Mario Day

Celebrate Mario Day with a jump-tastic adventure! Join Mario and his pals on an epic quest to save the princess and enjoy classic gaming fun.

Yearly Date
March 10


Get ready to celebrate Mario Day on March 10! This day is dedicated to the iconic video game character, Mario. He has been around since 1981 and was created by Shigeru Miyamoto for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then, he has become a worldwide phenomenon and one of the most recognizable characters in gaming history. So let's get together with friends and family to honor this beloved figure on his special day!

Mario Day Timeline

Mario's First Appearance
Mario, originally known as "Jumpman", made his debut in the arcade game Donkey Kong developed by Nintendo.
Super Mario Bros. Release
The original Super Mario Bros., the first game where Mario is the central character, was released for NES, becoming an instant hit.
Super Mario World
Super Mario World was launched for the SNES platform, introducing Yoshi and setting new standards for platform games.
Super Mario 64 Released
Super Mario 64, Nintendo 64’s flagship game, was launched, marking Mario's first 3D platforming experience.
Super Mario Galaxy Launch
Super Mario Galaxy was released for the Wii console, featuring new game mechanics and space as a thematic element.
Mario Day Declared
Nintendo officially recognizes March 10 as Mario Day due to the date's visual similarity to the name "Mario" (MAR10).

How to Celebrate Mario Day


Play Mario games

Whether you choose to play the classic Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Maker 2, or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a day dedicated to Mario is the perfect day for some casual gaming.


Watch a Mario movie

If you don't feel like playing games, why not watch one? The Super Mario Bros. movie from 1993 is a classic, or you can check out the 2019 live action movie featuring Bowser and his minions.


Go for a walk in a Mario costume

It's time to show your love of Mario by dressing up as your favorite character and going for a walk around town. You could even challenge your friends to do the same and make it a themed walk.


Make a Mario cake

Who doesn't love cake? Find a fun recipe online and make yourself an edible version of your favorite plumber. You can make it extra special with some creative decorations.


Organize a Mario party

Bring together all of your friends who are also fans of the franchise and have a party dedicated to Mario. You can compete in some video game tournaments or even recreate some of the iconic levels from the games.

Why We Love Mario Day


Endless entertainment

Mario has been around for over 30 years, and with each new game he just keeps getting better. His platforming gameplay is endlessly entertaining, featuring an abundance of obstacles, enemies and power ups to give fans hours upon hours of fun!


Amazing visual style

Not only are Mario games loads of fun to play, but they also have a vibrant visual style that makes them pleasing to the eye. From the iconic 8-bit art style of the original titles to the more modern 3D rendered graphics of recent games, it's hard not to be impressed by how great these games look.


Excellent music & sound effects

The soundtrack for Mario's games is some of the most memorable in gaming history. From classic tunes like 'Ground Theme' to more modern fare like 'Good Egg Galaxy', it's easy to find yourself humming along as you complete levels! Plus, there are all sorts of quirky sound effects like coin pickups and item collectibles that add an extra layer of delightfully crunchy audio goodness.

Mario Day FAQs

When is Mario Day?
Mario Day is celebrated every year on March 10th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Monday.

Mario Day Dates

Mar 10
Mar 10
Mar 10
Mar 10
Mar 10