May 11-17

M.E. Awareness Week

Join us in raising awareness for M.E. during this special week - spread the word, wear blue, and support those affected by this chronic illness.

Yearly Date
May 11


Get ready to raise awareness and show support for those affected by M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) during M.E. Awareness Week, starting on May 11! This week was first established in 1992 by the National ME/FM Action Network to educate the public about this debilitating neurological disease and advocate for better treatment and research. Despite being a relatively unknown condition, it affects millions of people worldwide and can significantly impact their daily lives. So let's come together and spread positive vibes through education, understanding, and support for those living with M.E.!

M.E. Awareness Week Timeline

Identifying M.E.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) was first diagnosed and categorized in the United Kingdom, marking a significant step in recognizing this chronic illness.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Classification
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA identify Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition closely related to M.E. increasing awareness of these chronic fatigue illnesses.
Establishment of M.E. Awareness Week
The National ME/FM Action Network establishes M.E. Awareness Week to educate the public and advocate for those affected.
Online M.E. Platforms Launch
The rise of social media and online platforms facilitate global discussion and awareness about M.E., connecting patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
Institute of Medicine Report
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) releases a report on M.E., pushing for increased medical recognition and research into the condition.
Present Day
Ongoing M.E. Advocacy
Today, organizations and individuals continue to advocate for M.E. awareness and research, supporting patients worldwide.

How to Celebrate M.E. Awareness Week


Wear M.E. awareness ribbons

Show your support for those with M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) by wearing a blue ribbon during M.E. Awareness Week. This simple gesture can help raise awareness and start conversations about this chronic illness.


Organize a charity walk or run

Gather friends, family, and community members to participate in a charity walk or run to raise funds for M.E. research and support services. You can also create custom t-shirts or wristbands to wear during the event.


Host a movie night

Choose a documentary or film that sheds light on M.E. and its impact on individuals and families. Invite friends and family over for a movie night and use this as an opportunity to discuss and educate about the illness.


Share personal stories on social media

Encourage those affected by M.E. to share their stories on social media using a designated hashtag for M.E. Awareness Week. This can help raise awareness and bring a sense of community and support to those living with the illness.


Create an educational display

Set up a display at your local library, community center, or school to educate others about M.E. Include information about symptoms, treatment options, and ways to support those with the illness. You can also include personal stories and statistics to make the display more impactful.

Why M.E. Awareness Week is Important


It raises awareness for a misunderstood illness

M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) is a complex and debilitating chronic illness that often goes undiagnosed or misunderstood. M.E. Awareness Week helps to shed light on this illness and educate the public about its symptoms and impact on those who have it.


It provides support for those affected by M.E.

Not only does M.E. Awareness Week bring attention to the illness, but it also offers support and resources for those who are living with M.E. This can include access to treatment options, support groups, and educational materials.


It advocates for better research and funding

One of the main goals of M.E. Awareness Week is to advocate for more research and funding towards finding a cure for this illness. By raising awareness and speaking out, advocates hope to drive more attention and resources towards this important cause.

M.E. Awareness Week FAQs

When is M.E. Awareness Week?
M.E. Awareness Week is observed annually in the month of May, starting from May 11th and continuing until May 17th; in 2025, it will begin on a Sunday.

M.E. Awareness Week Dates

May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11