June 7

National Alexandra Day

It's time to honor all the amazing Alexandras out there on National Alexandra Day - let's celebrate their strength, beauty, and uniqueness!

Yearly Date
June 7
Name Days


Get ready to celebrate all the amazing Alexandras out there on National Alexandra Day, which falls on June 7! This day is dedicated to all the people with this beautiful name, which has Greek origins and means "defender of man". Did you know that famous Alexandras include Alexander the Great, who conquered much of the ancient world, and Queen Alexandra of England? Whether you are an Alexandra yourself or have a special person in your life with this name, take some time to honor and appreciate the unique qualities that make them stand out. Let's spread some love and recognition for our favorite Alexandras on this special day!

National Alexandra Day Timeline

356 BC
Birth of Alexander the Great
The Greek King, Alexander III of Macedon, better known as Alexander the Great, is born, giving prominence to the name.
Popularity in Victorian Era
The name Alexandra saw a surge in popularity during the Victorian era, notably with the marriage of Princess Alexandra of Denmark to the Prince of Wales.
Alexandra Secondary College Founding
A key institution named after this popular first name, Alexandra Secondary College was founded in Australia.
Fame Heightens with Alex Morgan
Alexandra Patricia "Alex" Morgan, an acclaimed American soccer player, is born this year, raising the profile of the name Alexandra.
Alexandra Continues to Impress
The name Alexandra continues to impress in the new millennium with numerous Alexandras making their mark in various fields.
Inception of National Alexandra Day
The exact year of inception of National Alexandra Day is unclear, but this day is now celebrated to honor all the people named Alexandra.

How to Celebrate National Alexandra Day


Host an Alexandra-themed party

Invite all your friends named Alexandra to a themed party celebrating their name! Decorate with pictures and quotes of famous Alexandras and serve snacks and drinks with the letter "A" in them.


Create a social media post about the significance of the name Alexandra

Spread awareness about the name Alexandra by creating a post on social media. Share interesting facts, historical figures, or personal stories about people with the name.


Send personalized gifts to your friends named Alexandra

Show your appreciation for your friends named Alexandra by sending them personalized gifts such as monogrammed items or items with their name spelled out.


Visit a place or landmark named after Alexandra

Do some research and visit a place or landmark that is named after someone with the name Alexandra, such as the city of Alexandria in Egypt or the Alexandra Bridge in Canada.


Volunteer or donate to a charity supporting people named Alexandra

Find a charity or organization that supports individuals with the name Alexandra and give back by volunteering your time or donating to their cause.

Why We Love National Alexandra Day


It celebrates a unique and meaningful name

Alexandra is a beautiful and timeless name that has been used for centuries. It's a name that carries a lot of significance and history, making National Alexandra Day a special day for everyone with this name.


It brings people with the same name together

National Alexandra Day is a chance for people with the same name to connect and celebrate their shared identity. It's a great way to meet new people and form bonds over something as simple as a name.


It's an opportunity to embrace individuality

Having a unique name like Alexandra is something to be proud of. National Alexandra Day is a reminder to embrace your individuality and stand out from the crowd. It's a day to celebrate being different and to appreciate the diversity of names in the world.

National Alexandra Day FAQs

When is National Alexandra Day?
National Alexandra Day is celebrated annually on June 7th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

National Alexandra Day Dates

Jun 7
Jun 7
Jun 7
Jun 7
Jun 7