October 8

National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day

Don't forget to bring your favorite teddy bear to school on National Bring Your Teddy Bear To School Day - make it a fun and cuddly day for all!

Yearly Date
Second Wednesday in October


Get ready to bring your favorite teddy bear to school on Oct. 11 for National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day! This day has been celebrated since the mid-1980s, when it was created as a way to promote friendship and companionship among students. It's also a great opportunity for kids to show off their favorite stuffed animal and tell stories about them. So don't forget to pack your teddy bear before heading off to school on this special day – you'll be sure to have lots of fun!

National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day Timeline

Teddy Bear Birth
After an encounter between President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt and a bear on a hunting trip, the teddy bear toy was invented and soon became a beloved children's companion.
"Winnie-the-Pooh" Published
A.A. Milne published "Winnie-the-Pooh," a children's book featuring a teddy bear character, further solidifying the teddy bear's place in children's literature and culture.
Sooty Show Begins
The Sooty Show, a British children's television series featuring Sooty, a puppet teddy bear, begins broadcasting, further ingraining teddy bears into children's culture.
Holiday Created
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day is introduced as a fun and exciting day meant to foster friendship and companionship among students through their beloved teddy bears.
Growing Recognition
Recognition of National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day grows throughout the 1990s, with more schools and educational institutions participating each year.
Global Celebration
As the 21st century unfolds, the celebration spreads globally. Various cultures, institutions, and countries embrace this joyful day, promoting friendship and inclusivity through the universal symbol of the teddy bear.

How to Celebrate National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day


Plan a teddy bear picnic

Pack a lunch, grab your teddy bear, and head to the nearest park or beach for a picnic. Don't forget to bring a blanket!


Create teddy bear art

Bring some markers, paint, glue, and construction paper to school and make teddy bears out of all of your materials. Get creative and have fun with it.


Organize a teddy bear parade

Gather your friends, their teddy bears, and walk around the school grounds with signs and decorations.


Have a teddy bear tea party

Invite your classmates to bring their favorite teddy bears for a tea party in the classroom. Don't forget to bring some yummy treats!


Design teddy bear costumes

Encourage your students to dress their teddy bears up in costumes for National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day.

Why We Love National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day


It’s a great bonding experience

Bringing your teddy bear to school is a fun way to bond with classmates and make new friends. Seeing everyone else's "teddies" can spark conversations, bring people together and create lasting friendships!


It encourages creativity

Whether it's dressing them up in silly costumes or making creative props for them to use during playtime, bringing your teddy bear to school encourages children to express themselves through imaginative play. Plus, it helps kids tap into their creative side and unleash their inner artist!


It’s comforting

No matter what kind of day you're having at school, your teddy bear will always be there to give you a hug and lend an ear if you need one. Teddy bears have the power to soothe away worries and make tough days easier to manage.

National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day FAQs

When is National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day?
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day is observed annually on the second Wednesday of October, and in 2025, it will take place on Wednesday, October 8th.

National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day Dates

Oct 11
Oct 9
Oct 8
Oct 14
Oct 13