September 14-20

National Coding Week

Join the coding craze this National Coding Week and unlock your potential in technology - who knows, you may just discover a new passion!

Yearly Date
September 14


It's time to get your coding skills on point because National Coding Week is here! This week-long celebration, starting on September 14, was first established in the UK in 2014 with the goal of encouraging people of all ages to learn and explore the world of computer programming. With technology constantly evolving and becoming more integrated into our daily lives, coding has become an increasingly valuable skill to have. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, this is the perfect opportunity to sharpen your skills and discover new ways to use them. Get ready for a week full of innovation, creativity, and problem-solving – all with the power of code!

National Coding Week Timeline

Birth of Programming
Ada Lovelace published the first algorithm intended for processing on a computer, making her the world's first programmer.
C Language Development
The programming language C was developed at Bell Labs, laying the foundation for many modern programming languages.
Python Released
The general-purpose programming language Python was released, known for its readability and flexibility.
Introduction of Swift
Apple introduced Swift, a more approachable language for iOS app development.
National Coding Week Inception
National Coding Week was established in the UK with the aim of promoting coding and digital skills.

How to Celebrate National Coding Week


Attend a coding workshop

Sign up for a coding workshop or seminar to enhance your coding skills and learn something new! Many organizations offer free or discounted workshops during National Coding Week.


Host a coding hackathon

Gather a group of friends or colleagues and host a coding hackathon. Set a goal or challenge and see who can come up with the most creative solution in a set amount of time.


Create a coding-themed party

Throw a party to celebrate National Coding Week! Decorate with coding puns and serve snacks with programming-themed names. You can even have a coding challenge game for your guests to participate in.


Volunteer at a coding event

Check with local coding organizations or schools to see if they have any events or workshops planned for National Coding Week. Offer to volunteer and share your knowledge and skills with others.


Learn a new coding language

Challenge yourself to learn a new coding language during National Coding Week. There are many online resources and tutorials available to help you expand your coding repertoire.

Why We Love National Coding Week


Coding is essential for the future

In today's digital world, coding skills are becoming more and more valuable. It's a skill that opens up a wide range of career opportunities and will continue to be in-demand in the future. So why not take advantage of National Coding Week to learn a new skill that will benefit you in the long run?


Coding is a form of creative expression

Contrary to popular belief, coding is not all about numbers and algorithms - it also involves creativity and problem-solving skills. Learning how to code allows individuals to express themselves through website design, game development, and much more!


Coding can be fun

With so many resources available online, learning how to code has never been easier or more accessible. Plus, there are plenty of coding events and workshops held during National Coding Week that make learning an enjoyable and social experience. You might even meet some like-minded individuals and build a network for future projects!

National Coding Week FAQs

When is National Coding Week?
National Coding Week is celebrated annually starting on September 14th, and in 2025, it will begin on Sunday, September 14th and conclude on Saturday, September 20th.

National Coding Week Dates

Sep 14
Sep 14
Sep 14
Sep 14
Sep 14