May 1

National Day of Reason

Join in on National Day of Reason - celebrate using critical thinking, knowledge and reason to bring about positive change!

Yearly Date
First Thursday in May


Come join us in celebrating the National Day of Reason on the first Thursday of May! This day was first established in 2003 as an alternative to the National Day of Prayer and is a day for people of all faiths and backgrounds to come together in celebration of reason, logic, and critical thinking. This holiday is meant to promote science, education, free thought, inquiry, and humanism as a way to better understand our world and make informed decisions about our future. So get ready to think critically and celebrate this important day!

National Day of Reason Timeline

Day of Reason Established
National Day of Reason is established by secular organizations in the United States as a response to the National Day of Prayer.
First Congressional Recognition
U.S. Rep. Pete Stark becomes the first Congressperson to acknowledge the Day of Reason in the Congressional record.
Increased Observance
The Day of Reason gains wider observance, with a larger number of events being held across the United States.
Recognition by More Lawmakers
The Congressional Freethought Caucus, a group of U.S. House members dedicated to the promotion of science and reason in government, officially recognizes the day.
National Day of Reason Resolution
U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin introduces the first National Day of Reason resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives, encouraging all citizens to join in observance and celebration.

How to Celebrate National Day of Reason


Organize a discussion

Gather friends, family, or colleagues together to engage in meaningful conversations about the importance of reason and logic. Select topics that are relevant to the day and discuss them in a respectful, open environment.


Support research

Donate to organizations that promote research in areas such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Investing in research helps society progress and reach greater heights.



Volunteer your time at a nearby STEM education center or join a local organization that supports science-based initiatives. Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in your community.


Create art

Express your love for reason through creative activities like art, photography, or writing. Use your artwork to spread awareness about the importance of reason.


Organize a rally

Gather likeminded people and organize a rally to promote the importance of reason in our society. Invite speakers who can bring attention to this important cause.

Why We Love National Day of Reason


Promotes critical thinking

The National Day of Reason is a way for us to celebrate the power of reason and our shared commitment to science, rationality, and critical thinking. By engaging in reasoned discourse instead of unnecessary debates or controversy, we can come together to solve problems and build a better future for everyone.


Encourages civic participation

By taking part in the National Day of Reason, we are given the chance to come together with fellow citizens to discuss important policy issues, learn more about our rights, and get involved in local politics. This is a great opportunity for us to be informed and active participants in our society!


Promotes religious freedom

The National Day of Reason reminds us that the United States is founded on principles of religious freedom. The holiday celebrates the separation of church and state and allows citizens from every faith or creed to practice their beliefs free from coercion or judgement.

National Day of Reason FAQs

When is National Day of Reason?
National Day of Reason is celebrated every year on the First Thursday in May, and in 2025, it will be observed on Thursday, May 1st.

National Day of Reason Dates

May 4
May 2
May 1
May 7
May 6