August 14

National Financial Awareness Day

Make National Financial Awareness Day your chance to take control of your finances - learn about budgeting, saving, and investing!

Yearly Date
August 14


August 14 is a day to celebrate and spread financial awareness—it's National Financial Awareness Day! This special day was created in 2017 by the US Financial Literacy and Education Commission as part of their mission to promote financial literacy among Americans. On this day, we can all take time to reflect on our personal finances and make sure that we are doing all that we can for our future.

National Financial Awareness Day Timeline

Birth of Modern Budgeting
The idea of budgeting, as we understand it today, emerged in the 19th century amidst rising industrialization and a growing middle class.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The FDIC was created to maintain public confidence and encourage stability in the financial system through the promotion of sound banking practices.
Birth of Financial Planning
Specified financial planning and wealth management industries began developing widespread in the 1950s.
Introduction of IRAs
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) were introduced allowing individuals to direct pretax income towards investments that can grow tax-deferred.
Roth IRA Creation
The Roth IRA, a retirement plan allowing for tax-free growth and withdrawal, was established by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.
National Financial Awareness Day
The US Financial Literacy and Education Commission created National Financial Awareness Day to promote financial literacy among Americans.

How to Celebrate National Financial Awareness Day


Organize your finances

Take the time to go through all of your accounts, bank statements, and credit card bills. Make sure everything is up to date and accurate.


Set financial goals

Think about what you'd like to accomplish financially in the next year or two--whether it's paying off debt, saving for a home, or investing for retirement.


Learn about investing

Research different types of investments and find out what kind of investment best suits your goals. Read books and articles, listen to podcasts, or take an online course.


Create a budget

Figure out how much money you have coming in each month, track where you're spending your money, and figure out how much money you can save each month.


Talk to a financial advisor

A financial advisor can help you make the most of your money by creating an effective plan for managing your finances, setting realistic goals, and providing advice on how to reach them.

Why National Financial Awareness Day is Important


Financial awareness is key to financial security

Having a basic knowledge of finances and money management skills are essential for achieving long-term financial stability. By having an understanding of how you can budget your money wisely, save for retirement and plan for any potential future expenses, you'll be better equipped with the know-how to stay financially secure.


Understanding your rights & responsibilities

Being aware of your financial rights and responsibilities is equally important. Knowing what kind of protection is offered in case of identity theft, or understanding the specific regulations of opening a new bank account can help prevent any potential fraud and scams from taking place.


Being informed leads to smarter decisions

By taking the time to review your finances regularly and educate yourself on common investment topics like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs, you'll be more likely to make smart decisions when it comes to planning your future. You may even find yourself on track to reaching your financial goals that much faster!

National Financial Awareness Day FAQs

When is National Financial Awareness Day?
National Financial Awareness Day is celebrated annually on August 14th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Thursday.

National Financial Awareness Day Dates

Aug 14
Aug 14
Aug 14
Aug 14
Aug 14