March 18-24

National Introverts Week

Embrace the quiet magic of National Introverts Week! A time to honor the tranquility, creativity, and introspective joy that introverts bring.



Get ready to embrace the quieter side of life, because March 18 commences the delightful National Introverts Week! Initiated by Matthew Pollard in an aspiration to resonate the value of introverts in our society, this week beautifully celebrates the tranquil magic that introverts, with their thoughtful nature, bring to the world. Starting from simple doodles on a notepad to visionary ideas which have revolutionized our earth, introversion has been the root of countless magnificent contributions. So, let's cheer enthusiastically, albeit quietly, for the introspective journey this week aims to embark us on, honouring introverts and their significant role in our lives!

National Introverts Week Timeline

Carl Jung's Typology Theory
Psychologist Carl Jung's theory of personality types, which first introduced the terms "introvert" and "extrovert", is published in his book "Psychological Types".
The Myers-Briggs Test
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular personality test that categorizes people into 16 distinct personalities including introverted types, begins to be used widely.
"The Introvert Advantage"
"The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World" by Marti Olsen Laney is published, offering insights and strategies for introverted individuals.
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts"
Susan Cain's book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" is published, catalyzing a broader conversation about the value of introverts.
First National Introverts Week
Matthew Pollard initiates the first National Introverts Week to celebrate the contributions and value of introverts in our society.

How to Celebrate National Introverts Week


Engage in solitary activities

Celebrate in true introvert style by indulging in your favorite solo activities. These could be reading, painting, taking a walk, or simply spending some time alone with your thoughts.


Try a new introvert-friendly hobby

Use this occasion as an opportunity to explore new hobbies that cater to an introvert’s nature. This could be journaling, meditating, bird watching or starting a new book series.


Curate a peaceful environment

Make your surroundings more introvert-friendly by introducing calming elements. This could mean organizing your space, bringing in some plants or even adopting a pet if you’ve been considering it.


Plan an introspective retreat

Take a day off from the hustle and bustle of daily life and go on a personal retreat. It could be as simple as staying in bed all day with your favourite books and snack, or you could book a cabin in the woods for some alone time in nature.


Journal your thoughts

As an introvert, your internal world can be rich and complex. Take some time to jot down your thoughts, ideas or feelings. It can be a great way to understand yourself better and celebrate the introspective nature of being an introvert.

Why National Introverts Week is Important


Celebrates The Rich Internal World Of Introverts

National Introverts Week is a proudly celebrated holiday that illuminates the richness of being an introvert. During this week, we celebrate the quiet wonders of solitude, introspection, and our internal journeys, acknowledging these qualities as something not just meant to be tolerated but cherished and respected.


Promotes More Understanding and Acceptance

This occasion provides an opportunity for others to gain more understanding about introverts, and how they contribute value to society. It breaks down misconceptions, fosters empathy, and enables us to better comprehend the unique needs and qualities of introverts, leading to a more inclusive and accepting society.


Creates Space for Solitude

In a world that often demands constant socialization and extraversion, National Introverts Week encourages quiet introspection and solitude. It gifts us the chance to disconnect, enjoy our own company, and recharge in a deeply personal way. It is an endearing reminder that alone time is not only okay but necessary and fulfilling.