July 8

National Kathryn Day

Calling all Kathryns! It's your day to shine - celebrate National Kathryn Day with pride and share the love for your unique name.

Yearly Date
July 8
Name Days


Get ready to celebrate all the amazing Kathryns out there on National Kathryn Day on July 8! This day is dedicated to all those with the name Kathryn, which has origins in Greek and means "pure" or "clear". It's a chance to honor and appreciate all the strong, intelligent, and beautiful individuals who bear this name. From famous actresses like Kathryn Hepburn to everyday heroes in our lives, let's take a moment to recognize the unique qualities of Kathryns everywhere. So grab your friends named Kathryn and make this day extra special for them!

National Kathryn Day Timeline

315 BC
Katherine's Greek Origin
The name Kathryn, a variant of Katherine, originates from the Greek name Aikaterine in the 4th century BC.
Middle Ages
Saint Katherine of Alexandria
In the Middle Ages, Saint Katherine of Alexandria became a popular saint, leading to the spread of the name Katherine, and variations such as Kathryn, throughout Europe.
16th Century
Spelling Variation Emerges
The spelling variation Kathryn appeared more prominently in the 1500s, gaining popularity as a unique derivative of the original Katherine.
Kathryn Enters Film Industry
Golden-age Hollywood actress Katharine Hepburn brought fame to the name Kathryn (despite an alternate spelling) during the 1940s.
Peak Kathryn Popularity
The name Kathryn reached its peak popularity in the United States in the early 90s, according to the Social Security Administration's baby name data.
First National Kathryn Day
In 2016, July 8 was first recognized as National Kathryn Day, an unofficial holiday dedicated to individuals with the name Kathryn.

How to Celebrate National Kathryn Day


Host a Kathryn-themed party

Invite all your friends named Kathryn to a fun party celebrating their name! Decorate with pictures and quotes from famous Kathryns, and have a contest for the best dressed Kathryn.


Send handwritten notes to all the Kathryns you know

In this digital age, receiving a handwritten note is extra special. Take the time to write personalized notes to all the Kathryns you know, thanking them for being a part of your life.


Create a 'Kathryn' playlist

Gather all the songs with 'Kathryn' in the title or lyrics and create a fun playlist to listen to throughout the day. Bonus points if you can find songs by famous Kathryns like Kathryn Bernardo or Kathryn Hahn.


Give out personalized 'Kathryn' gifts

Find or create personalized gifts for your Kathryn friends, such as monogrammed mugs, keychains, or jewelry. It's a thoughtful way to show them how much they mean to you.


Visit famous places with the name 'Kathryn'

Do some research and find places with the name 'Kathryn', such as Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park or Kathryn Albertson Park, and plan a day trip to visit them with your Kathryn friends.

Why We Love National Kathryn Day


It's a day to celebrate and honor people named Kathryn

On National Kathryn Day, we get to recognize and appreciate all the amazing people with this name. It's a day to show love and appreciation for all the Kathryns in our lives!


Kathryn is a beautiful and timeless name

The name Kathryn has been around for centuries and has maintained its popularity and charm. It's a classic name that exudes strength, grace, and elegance - making it a favorite among many parents.


Kathryns are amazing individuals

People with the name Kathryn are often known for their intelligence, kindness, and determination. They are strong and independent individuals who inspire those around them. On National Kathryn Day, we get to celebrate all the wonderful qualities that make Kathryns so special!

National Kathryn Day FAQs

When is National Kathryn Day?
National Kathryn Day is celebrated annually on July 8th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Tuesday.

National Kathryn Day Dates

Jul 8
Jul 8
Jul 8
Jul 8
Jul 8