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Show your favorite wrestler some love on National Kiss a Wrestler Day! Make it an extra special day with hugs, kisses and words of encouragement.
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Get ready to show your wrestling lover some serious affection on National Kiss a Wrestler Day on October 5! This day was created as a way to recognize and celebrate all the hard work wrestlers put into their sport. It's also an opportunity for fans of wrestling, or anyone with an appreciation for athleticism and dedication, to show their admiration by kissing a wrestler.
This is a great way to show your support for wrestlers and get in the spirit of the holiday. Look up local wrestling matches in your town and make sure to cheer on your favorite wrestler.
Write a special message of appreciation to a wrestler you admire and let them know how much you appreciate their hard work. You can even add a kissy emoji for extra effect.
If you’re feeling extra celebratory, why not visit a wrestling school and give all the wrestlers there a hug or kiss? This will show them how much you care about the sport and help spread the love.
Invite friends over for a movie marathon of all the best wrestling matches in history. Serve up some snacks and drinks, and don't forget to raise a toast to the wrestlers who made it all possible!
Surprise your friends with tickets to the next major wrestling event in your area. It's an excellent way to celebrate National Kiss A Wrestler Day and have fun with everyone at the same time.
Wrestlers are extremely brave athletes who put their bodies on the line every time they step onto the mat. From performing risky maneuvers to going head to head with much bigger opponents, wrestlers show tremendous courage and heart in everything that they do.
Growing up as a wrestler can be difficult, and many of these amazing athletes have overcome adversity and challenges to reach the top of their sport. Hearing their inspiring stories is a great way to motivate yourself in life, and it makes for some truly incredible moments when you get to meet these incredible heroes in person!
Let's face it - there's nothing wrong with wanting to get up close and personal with your favorite wrestler! Getting an autograph or even kissing a wrestler can be an unforgettable experience, so National Kiss A Wrestler Day is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of this unique chance!