November 26

National Law Day

On National Law Day, let's honor the rule of law and all those who uphold it to protect our rights and freedoms.

Yearly Date
November 26


Mark your calendars for November 26, because it's National Law Day! This special day was first designated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958 to celebrate the role of law in our society and to promote a better understanding and appreciation for the legal system. It's a chance to recognize the hard work and dedication of lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals who uphold justice and protect our rights every day. So let's take a moment to appreciate the importance of law in our lives and show some love for those who work tirelessly to ensure its integrity.

National Law Day Timeline

National Law Day Establishment
President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially declares November 26 as National Law Day in the United States.
Recognition by Congress
The United States Congress issued a joint resolution making the proclamation law, authorizing the President to proclaim May 1 of each year as Law Day, USA.
Development of Law Day Programs
American Bar Association (ABA) started developing Law Day programs to help people appreciate the legal process and understand their legal rights.
National Outreach Program
ABA launched an outreach program aiming at K-12 students to educate them about legal principles and the justice system.
Online Legal Education
Increasing use of internet lead to a growth in online legal education platforms, further extending the reach of Law Day.
Law Day's 60th Anniversary
The celebration of Law Day's 60th Anniversary centered on the theme "Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom," emphasizing the system’s role in securing freedom.

How to Celebrate National Law Day


Attend a local law seminar

Educate yourself on current legal issues by attending a law seminar in your community. Not only will you learn about important topics, but you may also have the opportunity to network with legal professionals.


Volunteer at a legal aid clinic

Make a difference in your community by volunteering at a legal aid clinic. You can provide valuable assistance to those in need and gain insight into the legal system.


Take a tour of a courthouse

Visit your local courthouse and take a tour to learn more about the inner workings of the legal system. You may even have the chance to sit in on a trial or observe a court proceeding.


Participate in a mock trial

Join a mock trial group or organize your own with friends to experience what it's like to be in a courtroom. This can be a fun and educational way to celebrate National Law Day.


Write a thank you note to a legal professional

Take the time to express your gratitude to a legal professional who has positively impacted your life. This can be a small gesture but can mean a lot to those working in the legal field.

Why National Law Day is Important


It highlights the importance of the Rule of Law

National Law Day is an occasion for people to remember and understand the significance of the rule of law in maintaining a just and orderly society. It is important to recognize that our legal system upholds equality, fairness, and justice for all individuals under the law.


It educates the public about their rights and responsibilities

National Law Day provides a platform for educating the public about their legal rights and responsibilities. This includes understanding and exercising basic rights like voting, as well as recognizing and fulfilling civic duties such as obeying laws and participating in the legal process.


It promotes awareness and appreciation for the legal profession

National Law Day also serves as an opportunity to honor and appreciate the contributions of lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals who work tirelessly to uphold justice and protect the rights of citizens. It is important to recognize and celebrate their dedication to the legal field and its principles.

National Law Day FAQs

When is National Law Day?
National Law Day is observed annually on November 26th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Wednesday.

National Law Day Dates

Nov 26
Nov 26
Nov 26
Nov 26
Nov 26