November 1-7

National Medical Cannabis Week

Join the movement and celebrate National Medical Cannabis Week - a time to educate, advocate, and destigmatize the use of medical marijuana for healing.

Yearly Date
November 1


Get ready to light up and celebrate National Medical Cannabis Week on November 1! This week is dedicated to recognizing the medicinal benefits of cannabis and advocating for its use in treating various illnesses and conditions. Did you know that cannabis has been used for thousands of years for its healing properties? From ancient civilizations to modern medicine, this plant has played a significant role in healthcare. So let's take a moment to appreciate the power of medical cannabis and all the positive impact it continues to have on people's lives.

National Medical Cannabis Week Timeline

2800 BC
Cannabis First Used in Medicine
The earliest known use of cannabis as a medicinal drug occurred in ancient China around 2800 BC, where it was used as an anesthetic.
Western Medicine Embraces Cannabis
In the mid-19th century, western medicine started recognizing cannabis for its potential therapeutic purposes, particularly for pain relief.
Marijuana Tax Act
The U.S government passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which effectively criminalized the drug, making it harder for it to be used for medical purposes.
Controlled Substances Act
Cannabis received a Schedule I classification under the Controlled Substances Act, severely limiting its use for medicinal purposes.
California Passes Proposition 215
California became the first state to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis with the passing of Proposition 215.
Medical Cannabis Legalization Movement
In the early 2000s, more U.S. states began to advocate for and pass legislation allowing for the legal use of medical cannabis.

How to Celebrate National Medical Cannabis Week


Attend a cannabis education seminar

Use National Medical Cannabis Week as an opportunity to learn more about the benefits and uses of medical cannabis. Attend a seminar or workshop to educate yourself and others about this important topic.


Host a cannabis-themed dinner party

Invite friends and family over for a dinner party with a cannabis twist. Incorporate cannabis-infused dishes into the menu and have fun learning about different strains and their effects.


Volunteer at a local dispensary or organization

Show your support for the medical cannabis community by volunteering at a local dispensary or organization that advocates for its use. This is a great way to give back and make a positive impact during National Medical Cannabis Week.


Start a conversation about medical cannabis

Use this week as an opportunity to have open and honest conversations about medical cannabis with friends, family, and even strangers. Share your knowledge and personal experiences to help educate others.


Attend a medical cannabis rally or event

Check if there are any rallies or events happening in your area to support the use of medical cannabis. Attend and show your support for this important cause during National Medical Cannabis Week.

Why National Medical Cannabis Week is Important


It brings attention to the medicinal benefits of cannabis

National Medical Cannabis Week highlights the potential use of medical marijuana for various ailments and illnesses. It helps to educate the general public and break down stigmas associated with cannabis as a drug, showcasing its healing properties instead.


It advocates for legalization of medical marijuana

This week serves as a platform for raising awareness and advocating for the legalization of medical marijuana in states that have not yet done so. It provides an opportunity for people to voice their support and encourage lawmakers to make it accessible for those who need it.


It celebrates progress and achievements in the industry

National Medical Cannabis Week is also a time to celebrate the advancements and accomplishments in the medical cannabis industry. It recognizes the hard work and dedication of medical experts, researchers, and advocates who are working towards improving access to this alternative form of medicine.

National Medical Cannabis Week FAQs

When is National Medical Cannabis Week?
National Medical Cannabis Week is celebrated annually starting on November 1st, and in 2025, it will commence on a Saturday and run through until Friday, November 7th.

National Medical Cannabis Week Dates

Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1