August 17

National Nonprofit Day

Celebrate National Nonprofit Day by giving back to your community - donate money, time, or items to a local cause and help make an impact!

Yearly Date
August 17


Every year, we come together on August 17th to celebrate National Nonprofit Day. This day commemorates the incredible work of nonprofit organizations around the world that are dedicated to making a difference in people's lives. The holiday was first established in 1992 by Congress as an opportunity for nonprofits and their supporters to recognize and thank all those who contribute time, energy, and resources towards philanthropic causes. Let's take this day to show our appreciation for these amazing individuals!

National Nonprofit Day Timeline

First Nonprofit Organization
The first known nonprofit organization, American Red Cross, was founded, marking the start of organized nonprofit activity.
Nonprofits Get Tax Exemption
The U.S. federal government officially recognized nonprofit organizations as tax-exempt entities with the Revenue Act of 1913.
New Deal and Nonprofits
During the Great Depression, the New Deal created a surge of nonprofits to help with relief efforts, widening the scope of their impact.
Emergence of Philanthropy
The popularity of philanthropic endeavors grew during the 1970s, boosting the importance and visibility of nonprofit organizations.
National Nonprofit Day Established
Congress established National Nonprofit Day to acknowledge and celebrate the positive impact of nonprofits on communities.
Growth in Digital Fundraising
The expansion of the internet led to the rise of digital fundraising, enabling nonprofits to reach a larger audience and collect more donations.

How to Celebrate National Nonprofit Day


Donate to a Nonprofit

Consider donating money to a nonprofit organization that you believe in. Any amount helps and can make a huge difference in the world.



Look for opportunities to volunteer at local nonprofits in your area and give back to your community. You'll be able to make an impact while also having fun.


Raise Awareness

Share articles and stories about nonprofits on social media or host an event to raise awareness about the work nonprofits do. It's a great way to spread the word.


Attend an Event

Check out local events hosted by nonprofits in your area and attend them. These events are often informative, inspiring, and lots of fun.


Partner with a Nonprofit

If you own a business, consider partnering with a nonprofit to support their cause and make a difference in the world. It’s a great way to help spread the word about the good work they do.

Why National Nonprofit Day is Important


Nonprofits provide essential services

Nonprofit organizations serve an important role in society by providing critical services to those in need. They help bridge the gap and address a variety of social issues that are otherwise left unaddressed, such as access to healthcare, housing, education and more.


Nonprofits create positive change

By raising awareness about certain causes or helping to find solutions to specific problems, nonprofits have the power to make lasting impacts on local communities and ultimately bring about positive change. From feeding hungry children to protecting endangered species, nonprofits can have a huge impact on the world as we know it.


Nonprofits rely on donations

The success of nonprofits depends on individual donations from generous people like you! On National Nonprofit Day, take some time out to show your appreciation for these amazing organizations and consider donating what you can - even if it's just a few bucks – so they can continue their vital work.

National Nonprofit Day FAQs

When is National Nonprofit Day?
National Nonprofit Day is observed every year on August 17th, and in 2025, it will be celebrated on a Sunday.

National Nonprofit Day Dates

Aug 17
Aug 17
Aug 17
Aug 17
Aug 17