November 1-30

National Rice Awareness Month

Time to raise awareness and spread the love for rice during National Rice Awareness Month - let's celebrate this versatile grain in all its delicious forms!

Yearly Date
November 1


Get ready to celebrate one of the world's most versatile and beloved grains – rice – all month long during National Rice Awareness Month starting on November 1! Did you know that rice has been a staple food for over 5,000 years? It's widely consumed in many cultures and can be found in a variety of dishes, from savory to sweet. This month is the perfect time to learn more about this important grain and incorporate it into your meals in creative ways. So let's raise awareness and appreciation for rice together!

National Rice Awareness Month Timeline

7000 BC
Rice Cultivation Begins
Rice cultivation began in China, making it one of the oldest cultivated crops in human history.
Rice Lands in Americas
Christopher Columbus brings the first rice seeds to the New World during his voyage.
Rice Farming in USA
Rice farming begins in America, starting in the Carolinas and spreading into the southern states.
USA Rice Federation Founding
The USA Rice Federation is founded to assist and protect the interests of its grower members."
World's First Rice Research Institute
The International Rice Research Institute is established in the Philippines, becoming the world's first rice research institution.
National Rice Awareness Month
November is officially designated as National Rice Awareness Month to celebrate the importance of rice in our diets and promote its sustainable production.

How to Celebrate National Rice Awareness Month


Host a rice-themed dinner party

Invite friends over for a dinner party featuring different types of rice dishes from around the world. This is a great way to raise awareness about the versatility and importance of rice in various cultures.


Create a rice recipe challenge

Challenge your friends and family to come up with the most creative and delicious rice-based dish. Have a taste test and vote on the winner. This is a fun way to promote the use of rice in cooking.


Visit a rice farm or factory

Take a trip to a local rice farm or factory to learn about the process of growing and harvesting rice. This is a great opportunity to educate yourself and others about where our food comes from and the hard work that goes into producing it.


Donate rice to those in need

In honor of National Rice Awareness Month, consider donating rice to a local food bank or charity that distributes food to those in need. This is a simple yet impactful way to help raise awareness about the importance of rice as a staple food.


Organize a documentary screening

Host a screening of a documentary that highlights the role of rice in global food security and sustainability. This is a great way to educate and inspire others to take action and support the importance of rice in our world.

Why We Love National Rice Awareness Month


Rice is a staple food in many cultures

Rice is consumed all over the world, from Asia to Africa to South America. It has been a fundamental part of many cultures for centuries and is an important source of nutrition for millions of people.


Rice is incredibly versatile

Not only does rice come in various forms - white, brown, long grain, short grain, etc. - but it can also be used in an endless amount of dishes. From sushi to stir-fry to risotto, rice is a blank canvas that can be flavored and combined with countless ingredients.


Rice is affordable and accessible

One of the greatest things about rice is that it is inexpensive and readily available. This makes it a great option for budget-friendly meals and a reliable choice for those who may not have access to more expensive or diverse food options. Plus, it's easy to cook and can feed a large group of people with just one bag.

National Rice Awareness Month FAQs

When is National Rice Awareness Month?
National Rice Awareness Month is celebrated every year in November, and in 2025, it will commence on Saturday, November 1st, and conclude on Sunday, November 30th.

National Rice Awareness Month Dates

Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 1