August 6

National Root Beer Float Day

Celebrate National Root Beer Float Day with an ice-cold treat - grab your favorite root beer and make a delicious float today!

Yearly Date
August 6


It's time to gear up for National Root Beer Float Day on August 6! This day is all about enjoying the classic combination of root beer and vanilla ice cream. The origin of this fizzy treat dates back to 1893 when Frank Wisner, a pharmacist from Colorado, is said to have first mixed together root beer and ice cream in celebration of his new invention, the soda fountain. Since then it has become one of America’s favorite summer refreshments!

National Root Beer Float Day Timeline

Invention of the Root Beer Float
Frank J. Wisner, a Colorado pharmacist, invented the root beer float, which he initially named "Black Cow Mountain".
Heightened Popularity
The root beer float gained nationwide popularity in the U.S., aided by the wide adoption of home refrigeration.
Drive-In Fad Enhances Popularity
Drive-in restaurants like A&W popularized root beer floats as a classic carhop menu item during the post-war boom.
Root Beer Float Commercialization
Stewart’s Fountain Classics began mass-producing bottled root beer float beverages, making the drink more readily available to households across America.
Root Beer Float in Popular Culture
Root beer floats made numerous appearances in popular television shows and movies, firmly establishing their iconic status in American culture.
National Root Beer Float Day Celebration
National Root Beer Float Day was widely celebrated with businesses like A&W offering free root beer floats on August 6th.

How to Celebrate National Root Beer Float Day


Host a root beer float party

Invite your friends over and have everyone bring their favorite flavors and toppings. You can also create a root beer float bar with lots of mix-ins and toppings.


Make homemade root beer floats

If you’re feeling creative, make your own root beer floats from scratch. Try making your own root beer syrup, or buy some pre-made, then add it to some good quality vanilla ice cream.


Visit a local restaurant

Many restaurants offer special root beer float drinks for the day. Stop by your favorite local spot on National Root Beer Float Day to sip on something special.


Go to a drive in movie

What better way to enjoy a cool summer night than watching a movie with friends and sipping on an icy cold root beer float? Make sure to grab lots of spoons, so you can all share.


Try a unique twist

Mix things up with some creative recipes like a Root Beer Float Pie or Root Beer Float Smoothie! Get creative and experiment with different flavors and toppings such as mint chip ice cream, crushed candy canes, or chocolate sauce.

Why We Love National Root Beer Float Day


Root Beer Floats are Delicious

It's hard to beat the classic combination of sweet ice cream and bubbly root beer. The combination of flavors just makes your taste buds tingle in delight. Whether you choose classic vanilla or a more adventurous flavor, there is no denying that a root beer float is always a delicious treat!


Root Beer Floats are easy to make

The beauty of making a root beer float is that it is incredibly easy. All you need is some cold root beer and some ice cream and voila - you have yourself an instant treat! Plus, if you want to get creative you can top it off with sprinkles, whipped cream, or whatever else your heart desires!


Root Beer Floats remind us of simpler times

There's something about having a root beer float that evokes nostalgia and brings us back to our childhoods. It reminds us of being in the park on hot summer days, or shared moments with family and friends. Root beer floats have become a special part of celebrating life’s joyous occasions!

National Root Beer Float Day FAQs

When is National Root Beer Float Day?
National Root Beer Float Day is celebrated every year on August 6th, and in 2025, it will take place on a Wednesday.

National Root Beer Float Day Dates

Aug 6
Aug 6
Aug 6
Aug 6
Aug 6