January 6

National Samantha Day

On National Samantha Day, let's celebrate and honor all the amazing Samanthas in our lives who make each day brighter with their unique charm and personality!

Yearly Date
January 6
Name Days


Get ready to celebrate all the amazing Samanthas in your life on January 6, also known as National Samantha Day! This holiday was created to honor and appreciate all the wonderful people with this name, which has roots in both Greek and Hebrew cultures. The name Samantha gained popularity in the United States during the 1960s and is often associated with strong, independent women. So whether you know a Samantha or are one yourself, get ready for a day filled with love, appreciation, and maybe even some fun surprises!

National Samantha Day Timeline

Origins of the name Samantha
The name Samantha first appeared in the United States during the early 1800s, but didn't gain much popularity until later.
Rise in Popularity
Starting in the 1960s, the name Samantha became more popular in the United States due to its use in popular culture.
Samantha on Television
The TV show "Bewitched" featured a main character named Samantha Stephens, helping to popularize the name.
Samantha, The American Girl
In 1991, American Girl launched "Samantha Parkington" - a character representing the Edwardian era and highlighting female empowerment.
National Samantha Day Inception
In the mid-2010s, National Samantha Day was created to celebrate and appreciate all the wonderful people named Samantha.

How to Celebrate National Samantha Day


Throw a Samantha themed party

Invite your friends over for a Samantha themed party! Decorate with her favorite colors and serve dishes inspired by her favorite foods. Don't forget to play some of her favorite music and watch her favorite movies.


Dress up as Samantha

Put together a costume inspired by Samantha's iconic style and wear it for the day. You can even challenge your friends to do the same and have a Samantha look-alike contest!


Create a vision board for your future

Samantha is all about setting goals and achieving them. Use this day to create a vision board with your aspirations and dreams, just like Samantha would do.


Watch Samantha's favorite TV show

Gather some friends and watch Samantha's favorite TV show, or have a marathon of all her favorite episodes. You'll get to know her even better and have a great time doing it.


Volunteer in honor of Samantha

Samantha is a philanthropist at heart, so spend the day giving back to your community in her honor. Volunteer at a local charity or donate to a cause she supports.

Why We Love National Samantha Day


It celebrates a special person

National Samantha Day is a day to honor and celebrate a person who holds a special place in our hearts. It's the perfect time to show them how much they mean to you and make them feel loved and appreciated.


It brings people together

National Samantha Day is a great reason for people to come together and celebrate the amazing person who shares this name. It can be an opportunity for friends, family, and loved ones to gather and create new memories that will be cherished for years to come.


It's a chance for self-love

National Samantha Day can also serve as a reminder for individuals named Samantha to take some time for themselves and practice self-care. It's important to appreciate and love ourselves, just as we love those around us with this name.

National Samantha Day FAQs

When is National Samantha Day?
National Samantha Day is celebrated annually on January 6th, and in 2025, it will be observed on a Monday.

National Samantha Day Dates

Jan 6
Jan 6
Jan 6
Jan 6
Jan 6