January 10

National Save The Eagles Day

Show your support for National Save The Eagles Day - join us in the fight to protect our beloved birds of prey!

Yearly Date
January 10


January 10th is National Save The Eagles Day, a day to raise awareness about the conservation and protection of our majestic national symbol: the bald eagle. This special bird has been around for centuries and its presence serves as an important reminder of our natural heritage in North America. On this day we celebrate all that these incredible birds have done for us while also drawing attention to their plight in today's world. We can help protect these amazing creatures by donating time or money towards research, education, and habitat restoration projects that will ensure their future survival!

National Save The Eagles Day Timeline

Eagle Becomes National Symbol
The bald eagle is chosen as the national bird of the United States, symbolizing strength and independence.
Bald Eagle Protection Act
The Bald Eagle Protection Act is enacted by the U.S. Congress, prohibiting killing, selling or possessing the species.
DDT Pesticide Concerns
The pesticide DDT, linked to ecological damage and declining eagle populations, comes under scientific scrutiny.
Banning of DDT
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) bans the use of DDT in the United States, helping protect eagle populations.
Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act is passed to protect threatened and endangered species, including the bald eagle.
Bald Eagle Recovery
The bald eagle is removed from the Endangered Species list due to successful recovery efforts.

How to Celebrate National Save The Eagles Day


Donate to eagle conservation organizations

Giving money to organizations that are dedicated to preserving and protecting the eagles' habitat and populations is an effective way to help save the eagles.


Learn more about eagles

Research the different species of eagles, their native habitats, and their behavior. Knowing more about these majestic birds will help you better appreciate them and understand why it's so important to protect them.


Create a habitat

If you have the space in your yard, consider creating a habitat for eagles. Plant trees, shrubs, and other flora that provide food and shelter for these birds.


Volunteer at an eagle sanctuary

Whether it's cleaning cages or assisting with medical care, volunteering your time at an eagle sanctuary is a great way to help out.


Spread awareness

Share information about eagles on social media or with family and friends. Encourage others to join in your efforts to save the eagles.

Why National Save The Eagles Day is Important


Eagles are important for the environment

Eagles play an important role in keeping their ecosystems balanced and healthy. They help keep their populations of small mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians in check, ensuring that all species have access to food and resources. In addition, they act as an indicator species - meaning that when their numbers start to decline, it's a sign that something is wrong with their environment.


Eagles serve as a symbol of freedom

As one of the United States’ national symbols, eagles embody the notion of freedom and liberty. This majestic bird has been featured in many works of art throughout history; from coats of arms to currency designs, eagles evoke a sense of patriotism and pride among its viewers.

National Save The Eagles Day FAQs

When is National Save The Eagles Day?
National Save The Eagles Day is observed annually on January 10th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Friday.

National Save The Eagles Day Dates

Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 10