January 8

National Snuggle a Chicken Day

Celebrate National Snuggle a Chicken Day by showing love and appreciation for these misunderstood, sentient creatures!

Yearly Date
January 8


Get ready to celebrate the fluffy, feathery friends in our lives on National Snuggle a Chicken Day on January 8! This day was created by Tracey Glover in 2019 to raise awareness about the loving and affectionate nature of chickens. Often seen as just farm animals, chickens are actually intelligent, social creatures with unique personalities. They deserve our love and care just like any other pet. So whether you have a snuggly chicken companion or not, take this day to appreciate these amazing animals and spread the word that chickens are too sweet to eat!

National Snuggle a Chicken Day Timeline

8000 BC
Chickens Domesticated
Chickens have been domesticated for thousands of years, serving as sources of food, companionship, and cultural icons in various societies.
Chicken Farm Industrialization
The poultry industry rapidly industrialized, leading to widespread conditions of animal welfare concern.
Growth of Animal Rights Movement
The animal rights movement gained significant traction, with increased awareness and activism around issues related to industrial farming.
Boom in Backyard Chicken Keeping
An increase in backyard chicken keeping popularized the understanding of chickens as individual, sentient beings.
National Snuggle a Chicken Day Founded
Tracey Glover founded National Snuggle a Chicken Day to celebrate chickens as deserving of compassion and respect.

How to Celebrate National Snuggle a Chicken Day


Snuggle with a chicken

The best way to celebrate National Snuggle a Chicken Day is by actually snuggling with a chicken! If you have a companion chicken, take some time to show them love and affection. If you don't have one, consider volunteering at a local farm or sanctuary where you can interact with chickens.


Share photos of chickens

Take this day as an opportunity to spread awareness about the amazing qualities of chickens. Share photos of your snuggly chicken or other chickens you may know to show the world their unique personalities and lovable nature.


Choose plant-based foods

One of the best ways to celebrate National Snuggle a Chicken Day is by choosing to eat plant-based foods. This shows compassion towards chickens and helps reduce their suffering in the meat industry. Plus, it's a healthier choice for both us and the planet!

Why National Snuggle a Chicken Day is Important


Chickens are complex and deserving of love

National Snuggle a Chicken Day is a day to recognize that chickens are more than just farm animals - they are sentient beings with unique personalities and emotions. By snuggling a chicken, we can show them the love and care they deserve.


Chickens are often misunderstood and mistreated

Unfortunately, chickens are one of the most abused land animals in the U.S. due to misconceptions about their intelligence and worth. National Snuggle a Chicken Day aims to bring awareness to this issue and show that these creatures are just as deserving of love and compassion as any other animal.


It's a day to celebrate compassion and kindness towards animals

By celebrating National Snuggle a Chicken Day, we are promoting empathy and respect towards all living beings. Whether you have a pet chicken or not, you can still participate by choosing to eat plant-based foods and showing that chickens are too sweet to eat.

National Snuggle a Chicken Day FAQs

When is National Snuggle a Chicken Day?
National Snuggle a Chicken Day is celebrated annually on January 8th, and in 2025, it falls on a Wednesday.

National Snuggle a Chicken Day Dates

Jan 8
Jan 8
Jan 8
Jan 8
Jan 8