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Show your spouse some extra love this National Spouses Day - surprise them with a romantic dinner, thoughtful gift, or just a heartfelt hug.
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Celebrate the bond of marriage and show your appreciation for your spouse on National Spouses Day, January 26! This special day was created in 1996 by Thomas & Ruth Roy from Wellcat Holidays to celebrate all types of spouses. Whether you are married, divorced, or widowed; this is a great opportunity to honor the person who has been with you through thick and thin. Let's take some time out of our busy lives to appreciate those closest to us!
Take your spouse out for a romantic dinner or to see a show. If you can't go out, plan an intimate evening at home with candles, music, and their favorite food.
Let your spouse know how much they mean to you by taking the time to write down your feelings. Tell them why you married them and what makes them special.
Relive the days of your first date by returning to the location and doing all the same activities that you did on that special night.
Make something special for your spouse. Whether it's a photo album or scrapbook of memories or a handmade card expressing your love, it'll be sure to make their day.
Go on an adventure together – something neither of you has done before – like skydiving or snorkeling. The shared experience will bring you closer together.
National Spouses Day is the perfect occasion to express your appreciation for the person who has been by your side throughout it all. It's an opportunity to spend time together, and relive all the memories that you've created together over the years.
Everyday words and gestures are often not enough to truly convey the depth of our feelings, but National Spouses Day gives us another way to let our significant others know just how much we appreciate them. Whether it's a small gift, card or simply taking the time to listen, there are many ways to show the other person what they mean to you.
When two people decide to take on life together, that's a big step and requires commitment and hard work from both parties. Every year on National Spouses Day, couples can get a chance to pause and reflect on their journey thus far as well as look ahead and set new goals for the future.