December 20

National Steven Day

Get ready to celebrate National Steven Day with all the Stevens in your life! Share memories, laughs, and appreciation for this special name.

Yearly Date
December 20
Name Days


Get ready to celebrate all the amazing Stevens in your life on National Steven Day on December 20! This day was created to honor and appreciate all the wonderful qualities that make a Steven so special – from their kindness and humor, to their loyalty and strength. Did you know that the name "Steven" comes from the Greek word "Stephanos", which means "crown" or "wreath"? It's no wonder why this name is associated with such amazing individuals. So let's take this day to show our appreciation for all the Stevens out there, whether it's treating them to their favorite meal or simply giving them a heartfelt thank you.

National Steven Day Timeline

Steven: Origin of Name
The name "Steven" rose to popularity in the 19th century. Derived from the Greek "Stephanos", it symbolizes "crown" or "wreath".
Steven's Popularity in the US
In the mid-20th century, "Steven" became one of the most popular names for boys in the United States.
Steven Spielberg's Debut
Steven Spielberg, one of the most famous Stevens, directed his first major feature film, starting a successful career and raising the name's prominence.
Steven Seagal Breaks Ground
Steven Seagal, a notable actor and martial artist, starred in multiple Hollywood action films, reflecting the name's association with strength.
Creation of National Steven Day
National Steven Day was officially recognized in the United States, giving all those named Steven a day of appreciation and recognition.

How to Celebrate National Steven Day


Host a Steven-themed party

Invite your friends over for a Steven-themed party! Decorate with Steven Universe posters, serve Steven-shaped snacks, and watch episodes of the show together.


Dress up as your favorite Steven character

Get creative and dress up as your favorite character from Steven Universe! Have a costume contest with your friends and see who can come up with the best outfit.


Create Steven-inspired art

Get out your art supplies and create some Steven-inspired art! Draw your own version of the characters or make a collage using images from the show.


Have a Steven marathon

Spend the day binge-watching episodes of Steven Universe with your friends or family. Make some popcorn and settle in for a cozy and fun day of watching your favorite show.


Host a Steven trivia night

Test your knowledge of the show by hosting a Steven Universe trivia night! Create questions about characters, episodes, and plot points and see who knows the most about the world of Steven Universe.

Why We Love National Steven Day


Appreciation for those named Steven

On National Steven Day, we get to express our love and appreciation for all the Stevens in our lives. They often exhibit unique qualities such as kindness, humor, loyalty and strength. It's a day of celebration for the amazing potential they bring into our lives!


Recognizing the noble roots of the name

Did you know that the name "Steven" originates from the Greek word "Stephanos", which translates to "crown" or "wreath"? On this day, we acknowledge the nobility symbolized by this name, the inherent worth in it, and how it is often reflective of the character of those who bear it.


Celebrating with creativity and fun activities

National Steven Day candles a sense of creativity as everyone gets to engage in fun activities themed around Stevens, like Steven-themed parties, costumes contests, artwork sessions and trivia nights! It's a great way to have fun while putting your favorite Stevens in the spotlight.

National Steven Day FAQs

When is National Steven Day?
National Steven Day is celebrated annually on December 20th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

National Steven Day Dates

Dec 20
Dec 20
Dec 20
Dec 20
Dec 20