April 1-30

National Youth Sports Safety Month

Get active and stay safe this National Youth Sports Safety Month! Learn important tips and information to keep young athletes injury-free on the field.

Yearly Date
April 1


Get ready to promote a safer and more enjoyable experience for young athletes as we kick off National Youth Sports Safety Month on April 1! This month-long celebration was established to raise awareness about the importance of injury prevention and proper training techniques in youth sports. It's a time to highlight the positive impact that sports can have on children's physical, mental, and social well-being, while also promoting responsible coaching and sportsmanship. So let's lace up our sneakers and get ready to play hard, but play safe!

National Youth Sports Safety Month Timeline

First Youth Sports Organization
The Playground Association of America, now known as the National Recreation and Park Association, was established, promoting sports and playgrounds for children.
Youth Athletic Safety Rules
The Pop Warner Football organization begins adopting safety rules for youth athletes in contact sports, marking a significant step in player safety.
Title IX and Sports Safety
Title IX regulation implemented, ensuring girls' equal access to sports, which also meant attention to safety standards for expanding rosters of young athletes.
Creation of NAYS
The National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) is established to promote safe sports activities and education for coaches, parents, and athletes.
First Heads Up Program
The CDC launches the first Heads Up initiative, aimed at raising awareness about concussions in youth sports and promoting safety protocols.
Establishment of NYSSM
The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine established April as National Youth Sports Safety Month to increase public awareness of potential injuries in child and teen sports.

How to Celebrate National Youth Sports Safety Month


Host a safety clinic for youth sports coaches

Invite local coaches to a safety clinic where they can learn about best practices for keeping young athletes safe during practices and games.


Create a social media campaign promoting safety tips

Use the power of social media to spread awareness about youth sports safety. Share tips and resources on how to prevent injuries and stay safe while playing sports.


Encourage parents to attend games and practices

Parents can play a big role in keeping their children safe during sports activities. Encourage them to attend games and practices to ensure proper supervision and support for their child's safety.


Organize a first aid training session for coaches and volunteers

Make sure coaches and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle common sports injuries by organizing a first aid training session for them.


Celebrate with a fun and safe sports day event

Bring the community together by organizing a fun sports day event that promotes safety. Make sure to have proper safety measures in place and provide information on how to stay safe while playing sports.

Why National Youth Sports Safety Month is Important


Promotes safe and healthy physical activity for children

National Youth Sports Safety Month aims to educate parents, coaches, and young athletes on the importance of proper safety measures while participating in sports. By promoting safe play and injury prevention, it encourages kids to stay active without putting themselves at risk.


Raises awareness about common injuries in youth sports

During National Youth Sports Safety Month, various organizations and initiatives bring attention to the most common injuries seen in youth sports such as concussions, sprains and strains, and overuse injuries. This helps parents and coaches better understand how to prevent these injuries from occurring.


Encourages open communication between adults and young athletes

National Youth Sports Safety Month promotes a dialogue between parents, coaches, and young athletes about their concerns regarding safety in sports. This can help create a safer environment for everyone involved and ensure that children's well-being is always a top priority.

National Youth Sports Safety Month FAQs

When is National Youth Sports Safety Month?
National Youth Sports Safety Month is observed annually throughout the entire month of April, and in 2025, it will begin on Tuesday, April 1st and conclude on Wednesday, April 30th.

National Youth Sports Safety Month Dates

Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1
Apr 1