January 7

Orthodox Christmas Day

Celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day with a special feast, traditions, and activities - make it memorable with family and friends!

Yearly Date
January 7


Get ready to celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day on January 7! This religious holiday is celebrated by many Christians around the world, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia. The special day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and has been celebrated for centuries. It's a joyous occasion filled with spiritual reflection, worship services, gift exchanges and delicious traditional meals shared with family and friends.

Orthodox Christmas Day Timeline

4th century
Christmas Adoption
By the late 4th century, the Roman Church officially celebrated Christmas on December 25.
Gregorian Calendar Introduced
Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, which was adopted by the western countries, leading to a shift in the date of Christmas.
16th century
Orthodox Church Rejects Gregorian Calendar
The Eastern Orthodox Churches rejected the revised calendar and continued to base their liturgical calendar on the Julian one.
Revised Julian Calendar
Some Orthodox Churches, such as the Greek Orthodox Church, adopted the Revised Julian calendar, which has the same date for Christmas as the Gregorian calendar.
Orthodox Christmas
However, many Eastern Orthodox Churches, including Russian, Serbian and Jerusalem Orthodox Churches, still celebrate Christmas on January 7th, which corresponds to December 25th in the Julian calendar.

How to Celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day


Attend a church service

One of the best ways to celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day is to attend a service at your local Orthodox Church. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the traditions and customs of the day while participating in a meaningful spiritual experience.


Prepare a traditional meal

Preparing a traditional meal for Orthodox Christmas Day is a great way to celebrate the holiday. Dishes such as stuffed cabbage, beet soup, and honey cake are just some of the dishes commonly served on this day.


Exchange gifts

Exchanging gifts is common practice when celebrating Orthodox Christmas Day. Family members and close friends often give each other small tokens of love and appreciation.


Light candles

Lighting candles during the celebration of Orthodox Christmas Day is an ancient tradition that symbolizes hope, joy, and peace. Lighting these candles provides a sense of warmth and comfort during the cold winter months.


Gather with friends & family

Gathering with friends and family is another way to celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day. Gather around the dinner table to share food and stories, or play games together for a fun evening full of laughter.

Why We Love Orthodox Christmas Day


Orthodox Christmas is the start of a new year

Orthodox Christmas marks the start of the New Year for Orthodox Christians and serves to remind us how blessed we are to have each other. Celebrating this special day with our family and friends helps to promote peace, joy and understanding in our communities.


Orthodox Christmas is festive and fun

From sharing traditional meals to exchanging gifts, celebrating Orthodox Christmas is an enjoyable way to reconnect with friends and family members. Whether you're attending church services or participating in cultural activities there's always something special about this time of year.


It celebrates Jesus's birth

The celebration of Jesus' birth on Orthodox Christmas makes it a very spiritual time for Orthodox believers. We can reflect on his life and teachings, while also taking time to celebrate his miraculous entry into the world with those around us.

Orthodox Christmas Day FAQs

When is Orthodox Christmas Day?
Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated every year on January 7th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Tuesday.

Orthodox Christmas Day Dates

Jan 7
Jan 7
Jan 7
Jan 7
Jan 7