April 19

Refresh Your Goals Day

Ready to kickstart your goals and dreams? Celebrate Refresh Your Goals Day by setting new intentions and taking action towards achieving them!

Yearly Date
April 19


Get ready to refocus and rejuvenate your goals on Refresh Your Goals Day, celebrated on April 19! This day encourages us to take a step back and evaluate our current goals, whether personal or professional. It's a chance to reassess and make any necessary changes in order to achieve success. Interestingly, this holiday was created by a group of career consultants who wanted to help people set and achieve fulfilling goals throughout their lives. So let's use this day as an opportunity to challenge ourselves and push towards the future we envision. Happy Refresh Your Goals Day!

Refresh Your Goals Day Timeline

Concept Birth
A group of career consultants conceived the idea of a day dedicated to revisiting and refreshing personal and professional goals.
First Celebration
The first Refresh Your Goals Day was celebrated, helping people to set actionable and fulfilling goals.
Growing Recognition
The holiday gained significant recognition, emphasizing the importance of reassessing and renewing one's personal and career goals.
Global Reach
Refresh Your Goals Day became recognized internationally, encouraging people worldwide to revive their targets and aspirations.
Virtual Celebrations
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrations went virtual, with webinars and online consultations helping people refresh their goals.

How to Celebrate Refresh Your Goals Day


Create a vision board

Gather magazines, images, and quotes that inspire you and create a visual representation of your goals and aspirations. Hang it somewhere you will see it every day as a reminder to stay focused.


Attend a goal-setting workshop

Sign up for a workshop or seminar that focuses on setting and achieving goals. This can provide valuable insights and techniques to help you refresh your goals and make them more attainable.


Reach out to a mentor

Contact someone you admire and ask if they would be willing to mentor you in your goal-setting process. Their guidance and experience can be incredibly valuable in helping you achieve your goals.


Start a gratitude journal

Take some time to reflect on what you are grateful for and write it down in a journal. This can help shift your mindset and motivate you towards achieving your goals.


Plan a goal-focused day

Set aside a day to solely focus on your goals. This could include brainstorming new ideas, creating an action plan, or even taking small steps towards achieving your goals. Make it a priority and stay committed to refreshing your goals.

Why We Love Refresh Your Goals Day


It's a chance to reflect and realign

Refresh Your Goals Day is a great opportunity to step back and assess your current goals, see if they align with your overall aspirations, and make any necessary adjustments. It's important to regularly check in with yourself and this day serves as a reminder to do just that.


It motivates us to keep moving forward

Sometimes we may feel stuck or discouraged when it comes to our goals. Refresh Your Goals Day is a great way to reignite that motivation and drive. By reassessing and setting new goals, we can continue moving forward and stay on track towards achieving our aspirations.


It's a reminder to celebrate our progress

Setting goals and working towards them can be challenging, so it's important to take time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress we've made. Refresh Your Goals Day is a great opportunity to do just that - whether it's big accomplishments or small victories, celebrate your hard work and success!

Refresh Your Goals Day FAQs

When is Refresh Your Goals Day?
Refresh Your Goals Day is celebrated annually on April 19, and in 2025, it falls on a Saturday.

Refresh Your Goals Day Dates

Apr 19
Apr 19
Apr 19
Apr 19
Apr 19