April 27

Save the Frogs Day

Leap into action this Save the Frogs Day! Help protect these vital creatures from extinction and keep our ecosystems hopping!



Leap into action this Save the Frogs Day on April 27! Frogs have been hopping around planet Earth for more than 200 million years, and now they need our help. This special day was first established in 2009 by Dr. Kerry Kriger, the founder and executive director of SAVE THE FROGS!, who identified the need for an international day to celebrate these wonderful amphibians and highlight the many threats they face. Now celebrated in over 60 countries, Save the Frogs Day is a day to appreciate the unique roles frogs play in the ecosystem, and commit ourselves to their preservation. Let's come together and keep our ecosystems hopping!

Save the Frogs Day Timeline

Save the Frogs Day Establishment
Dr. Kerry Kriger, the founder of SAVE THE FROGS!, launches the first ever Save the Frogs Day to increase awareness about the importance of frog conservation.
Global Celebrations Begin
Save the Frogs Day begins to be celebrated globally, spreading awareness in dozens of countries and drawing attention to frog conservation.
Legislative Success
Due to advocacy efforts, California bans the importation of live non-native frogs and turtles, a significant victory for frog conservation.
Educational Expansion
SAVE THE FROGS! initiates educational programs and resources to schools, inspiring a new generation of frog conservationists.
Ecotours Launch
SAVE THE FROGS! starts conducting ecotours, allowing people to explore nature and learn about the importance of frogs in ecosystems firsthand.
Anniversary Celebrations
The tenth anniversary of Save the Frogs Day is celebrated, marking a decade of coordinated global effort to protect and conserve frogs.

How to Celebrate Save the Frogs Day


Organize a neighborhood cleanup

Frogs are particularly sensitive to environmental changes, so gather your friends, family or coworkers together to pick up litter from local ponds, streams, and parks.


Create a frog-friendly garden

Spend the day creating a safe haven for frogs in your garden by building a small pond or wetland area, being mindful of avoiding chemicals and providing plenty of hiding spots.


Host an educational event

Teach others about the importance of frog conservation by hosting an informational session at your local community center, school, or library. You could even invite a local herpetologist to speak.


Participate in citizen science

Sign up for a citizen science project that involves monitoring frog populations or their habitats. These projects often involve fun fieldwork and directly contribute to conservation efforts.


Donate to a frog charity

Make a contribution to a charity that is dedicated to preserving frog species and their habitats, such as SAVE THE FROGS! or the Amphibian Survival Alliance.

Why Save the Frogs Day is Important


Raise awareness about frog conservation

Save the Frogs Day is an opportunity to raise public awareness about the rapid disappearance of frog species worldwide. The day allows us to engage in conversations about the important role frogs play in our ecosystem, and the threats they face today.


Participate in a variety of frog-related activities

This day encourages us to get involved in different activities such as neighbourhood cleanups, creating a frog-friendly garden, hosting educational events, and much more. These activities not only help in conserving frogs but also ensure we have lots of fun while doing so!


Encourages scientific engagement

Save the Frogs Day promotes citizen science, encouraging people to participate in projects that monitor frog populations or their habitat. This makes it an excellent occasion for individuals to actively contribute towards the conservation efforts.