September 1-30

Save Your Photos Month

Preserve your precious memories this Save Your Photos Month! Learn tips and tricks for organizing, protecting, and displaying your photos.

Yearly Date
September 1


Get ready to preserve your precious memories this September 1, as we celebrate Save Your Photos Month! This national holiday was created to raise awareness about the importance of protecting and organizing our photographs, whether they are physical prints or digital files. With the rise of technology and social media, it's easier than ever to capture and share moments with loved ones, but it's also important to make sure these memories are safe and secure for years to come. So let's take some time this month to declutter our photo albums and create a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Save Your Photos Month Timeline

First Permanent Photograph Created
The earliest surviving photograph made in a camera, known as "View from the Window at Le Gras", was taken by Nicéphore Niépce.
Kodak Revolutionizes Photography
George Eastman's company, Kodak, launched the handheld Kodak camera, making photography accessible to the general public.
Launch of Adobe Photoshop
Launch of Adobe Photoshop software, allowing for enhanced photo editing and restoration capabilities.
Google Picasa Released
Google released Picasa, user-friendly digital photo storage and sharing service.
Inception of Save Your Photos Month
The concept of Save Your Photos Month was first conceived as a public outreach initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of preserving photos.
Improvements in Cloud Storage
With advances in cloud storage technology, digitally preserving photographs becomes more secure and accessible than ever before.

How to Celebrate Save Your Photos Month


Create a photo album or scrapbook

Gather all of your old photos and create a beautiful photo album or scrapbook. This is a great way to preserve your memories and celebrate Save Your Photos Month.


Digitize your photos

If you have old printed photos, consider digitizing them to preserve them for future generations. There are many services and apps available that make this process quick and easy.


Host a photo sharing party

Gather some friends or family members and ask everyone to bring their favorite photos to share. This is a great way to reminisce and celebrate the importance of preserving our memories through photos.


Take a photography workshop

Sign up for a photography workshop or class to improve your skills and learn new tips and techniques for taking great photos. This is a fun and educational way to celebrate Save Your Photos Month.


Create a photo display in your home

Showcase your favorite photos by creating a photo display in your home. This can be a wall collage, a framed collection, or even a digital photo frame. Get creative and have fun celebrating Save Your Photos Month!

Why We Love Save Your Photos Month


Preserve your memories for future generations

Photos capture special moments and hold precious memories. OBServING Save Your Photos Month gives us the opportunity to take stock of our photo collections and make sure they are preserved for years to come. Future generations will thank you for taking the time to save these treasured pieces of family history.


Organize your photos and declutter your space

Whether you have physical copies or digital files, organizing your photos can help declutter your space and make it easier to find specific pictures when you want them. Take advantage of Save Your Photos Month to finally tackle that overflowing box of loose photos or messy photo albums.


Preserve important historical events and milestones

Photos capture more than just personal memories - they also document important historical events and milestones. OBServING Save Your Photos Month is a great way to ensure that these important moments are preserved and can be passed down to future generations.

Save Your Photos Month FAQs

When is Save Your Photos Month?
Save Your Photos Month is celebrated every year during the month of September, beginning in 2025 on Monday, September 1st, and concluding on Tuesday, September 30th.

Save Your Photos Month Dates

Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1
Sep 1