April 22

School Bus Drivers’ Day

Show your appreciation for hardworking school bus drivers this School Bus Drivers' Day - it's the perfect opportunity to say 'thank you'!

Yearly Date
Fourth Tuesday in April


On the fourth Tuesday in April, it's time to celebrate School Bus Drivers' Day and recognize all of the hardworking and dedicated professionals who safely transport our children day in and day out. Established in 1981, this special day is a way to show appreciation for the drivers who make sure kids get to school safely and on time. The role of a bus driver is often overlooked, but without them our schools would not be able to function properly. So let's give thanks for these unsung heroes who dedicate their time and energy to getting our kids where they need to go!

School Bus Drivers’ Day Timeline

School Bus Concept Origin
George Shillibeer introduced the first 'school bus' in London, England—a horse-drawn omnibus for a Quaker school.
Motorized School Buses
Wayne Works, a U.S. company, manufactured 'kid hacks' or 'school trucks', early versions of school buses with motorized bodies.
School Bus Standards
The first national standards for school buses, including color and safety features, were established in the U.S.
School Bus Drivers' Day Establishment
School Bus Drivers' Day was established in the U.S. to honor and appreciate school bus drivers.
Improved Safety Measures
The American School Bus Council was formed to advocate for school bus safety and the importance of professional school bus drivers.

How to Celebrate School Bus Drivers’ Day


Write a thank you note

Take the time to write a thank you note to your school bus driver. Let them know how much you appreciate their services, hard work, and dedication.


Organize a surprise party

Organize a surprise party for your school bus drivers. Invite all of the drivers in your area and plan some fun activities, like karaoke or a scavenger hunt, to celebrate them.


Offer free rides

Offer free rides to your school bus drivers as a way of thanking them for their hard work. Make sure to explain why you are offering the free rides so they know it is in appreciation of their great service.


Present gifts

Present each of your school bus drivers with a gift to show your appreciation for them. Consider giving them something useful, like a coffee mug or a gas card.


Organize an appreciation event

Organize an appreciation event for your school bus drivers. Invite their families and friends to join in on the celebration and thank them for their hard work and dedication.

Why School Bus Drivers’ Day is Important


School bus drivers provide a vital service

School bus drivers play an important role in getting children to and from school safely. They have the responsibility of ensuring that kids arrive on time and in one piece, which is no small feat! School bus drivers are essential to the functioning of our education system and we owe them a debt of gratitude.


School bus drivers foster positive relationships with kids

School bus drivers spend a lot of time with their passengers throughout the course of a year, so they can build strong relationships with students. They get to know each child's individual personality type and can offer friendly advice or emotional support when needed. This makes them an invaluable part of many kid's lives.

School Bus Drivers’ Day FAQs

When is School Bus Drivers’ Day?
School Bus Drivers’ Day is observed annually on the Fourth Tuesday in April, and in 2025, it will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 22nd.

School Bus Drivers’ Day Dates

Apr 25
Apr 23
Apr 22
Apr 28
Apr 27