South Asian Heritage Month

Join us in celebrating South Asian Heritage Month with cultural events, delicious food, and vibrant traditions that honor this rich and diverse community!

Yearly Date
July 17


Get ready to celebrate the vibrant and diverse culture of South Asia during South Asian Heritage Month, starting on July 17! This month-long celebration was first recognized by the Canadian government in 2012 to honor and recognize the contributions of South Asians to Canada's social, cultural, and economic fabric. From mouth-watering cuisine to colorful traditional attire and rich history, there is so much to explore and appreciate about this beautiful region. Join in on the festivities and discover all that South Asian heritage has to offer!

South Asian Heritage Month Timeline

South Asian Migration Begins
The first wave of South Asian immigrants begin to arrive in Canada seeking new opportunities and ways of life.
Partition of India
The British colonials partition India into two new sovereign states - India and Pakistan. This event sparks a mass migration, with many South Asians seeking new homes around the globe.
Increase of South Asian Immigration
New immigration laws in Canada result in an increase of South Asian immigration, enriching Canadian society with vibrant and diverse cultures.
Inception of South Asian Heritage Month
South Asian Heritage Month is officially recognized by the Canadian government to honor and recognize the contributions of South Asians to Canada's social, economic, and cultural fabric.
Recognition of South Asian Contributions
Several South Asians are recognized for their contributions in various fields in Canada, providing an opportunity for the younger generation to acknowledge and share in the proud heritage of their ancestry.

How to Celebrate South Asian Heritage Month


Host a traditional South Asian potluck

Invite friends and family to bring their favorite South Asian dishes to share and celebrate the rich and diverse cuisine of the region.


Attend a cultural festival or event

Check your local community calendar for events celebrating South Asian culture, such as dance performances, art exhibits, or food festivals.


Learn a traditional dance or language

Take a dance or language class to learn more about the vibrant cultures of South Asia and connect with your heritage.


Explore South Asian history and traditions

Visit a museum or historical site dedicated to South Asian history and learn about the rich traditions and contributions of the region.


Support South Asian-owned businesses

Visit local South Asian-owned restaurants, shops, and businesses to show your support and appreciation for their cultural heritage.

Why South Asian Heritage Month is Important


Celebrates diversity and cultural heritage

South Asian Heritage Month is an important time to recognize and celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of South Asian communities. It allows for the sharing and preservation of cultural heritage, promoting understanding and appreciation for different cultures.


Educates others about South Asian culture

Through events, workshops, and discussions, South Asian Heritage Month provides an opportunity for people to learn about the diverse customs, art, music, food, and languages of South Asia. This leads to a more inclusive and informed society.


Raises awareness about social issues affecting South Asian communities

South Asian Heritage Month also sheds light on important social issues affecting South Asian communities such as discrimination, racism, and inequality. It provides a platform for these issues to be discussed and addressed, leading to positive change and progress.

South Asian Heritage Month FAQs

When is South Asian Heritage Month?
South Asian Heritage Month is observed annually starting on July 17th, and in 2025 it will commence on a Thursday, continuing through to August 17th.

South Asian Heritage Month Dates

Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17