June 29

St Peter’s Day

Honor the first Pope on St. Peter's Day with prayers, reflections, and acts of service to honor his legacy and teachings.

Yearly Date
June 29


Mark your calendars for June 29 because it's time to celebrate St. Peter's Day! This holiday is dedicated to the patron saint of fishermen, travelers, and those in need of spiritual guidance. According to tradition, St. Peter was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and later became the first pope of the Catholic Church. He is known for his strength, courage, and unwavering faith – qualities that continue to inspire people all around the world today. So let's honor this remarkable figure and learn more about his fascinating life on this special day!

St Peter’s Day Timeline

1st Century AD
Life of Peter
Peter, also known as Simon Peter, lives during this time. He is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and becomes the first Pope.
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
By this century, June 29 is already being celebrated as the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, both key figures in the Christian faith.
St. Peter's Basilica Construction
Construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City begins (1506) and ends (1626); it stands as a testament to St. Peter's influence.
Recognition by Labour Movement
St. Peter's Day becomes an important day for the labour movement due to Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum.
Vatican Celebration
The Vatican celebrates the Jubilee Year dedicated to St. Peter with special religious events and processions.

How to Celebrate St Peter’s Day


Attend a mass or church service

St. Peter is the patron saint of fishermen and the first pope of the Catholic Church, so attending a mass or church service in his honor would be a meaningful way to celebrate his day.


Have a seafood feast

In addition to being the patron saint of fishermen, St. Peter is also known for his love for fish. Honor him by cooking up a delicious seafood feast for dinner, including dishes like grilled salmon, shrimp scampi, or seafood paella.


Visit a local body of water

Since St. Peter was a fisherman, spending time near a body of water would be a fitting way to celebrate his day. Take a trip to the beach, go fishing, or have a picnic by a lake or river.


Explore a historic church or cathedral

St. Peter's Day is a great opportunity to learn more about the history of the Catholic Church and its teachings. Visit a historic church or cathedral in your area and take a tour to learn more about the rich tradition and symbolism of these sacred spaces.


Read the Bible passages about St. Peter

Spend some time reflecting on the life and teachings of St. Peter by reading Bible passages about him, such as Matthew 16:18-19 or Acts 2:14-41. This can be a great way to deepen your understanding and appreciation for this important saint.

Why St Peter’s Day is Important


It honors an important religious figure

St. Peter was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus and is considered to be the first pope of the Catholic Church. Celebrating St. Peter's Day is a way to pay tribute to his role in spreading Christianity and shaping the early church.


It has cultural significance

St. Peter's Day is celebrated not only by Catholics, but also by other Christian denominations as well as in many countries around the world. It has become a part of cultural traditions and customs that bring people together.


It's a day to gather with friends and family

St. Peter's Day is often celebrated with parades, feasts, and other festivities that allow people to come together and enjoy each other's company. It's a time to strengthen relationships and make new memories with loved ones.

St Peter’s Day FAQs

When is St Peter’s Day?
St Peter’s Day, an annual celebration, falls on June 29th each year, and in 2025, it will be observed on a Sunday.

St Peter’s Day Dates

Jun 29
Jun 29
Jun 29
Jun 29
Jun 29