September 8

Star Trek Day

Explore strange new worlds and boldly go where no-one has gone before on Star Trek Day - celebrate with marathons, parties, games, and more!

Yearly Date
September 8


Celebrate the intergalactic fandom of Star Trek on September 8 for Star Trek Day! This day was created to honor the premiere of the television series back in 1966. Since then, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with millions of devoted fans around the globe. Whether you're a fan or new to this universe, this is your chance to explore and discover its captivating stories and characters that have touched hearts everywhere.

Star Trek Day Timeline

Star Trek Original Series Launch
On September 8, the original Star Trek series aired its first episode, "The Man Trap," on NBC, launching the Star Trek phenomenon.
Animated Series Releases
The Star Trek animated series premiered, expanding the franchise and attracting a younger audience.
First Star Trek Movie
Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the first film of the franchise, was released, marking a new chapter in the Star Trek saga.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Continuing the franchise's television legacy, Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered, introducing new characters and further enriching the Star Trek universe.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Begins
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine aired its first episode, breaking new ground with a serialized story format and mature themes.
Star Trek: Discovery Premieres
The first episode of Star Trek: Discovery aired, bringing fresh life and new adventures to the franchise in the era of streaming television.

How to Celebrate Star Trek Day


Watch a Star Trek movie

Gather up your friends and family for a marathon of all the beloved Star Trek movies. Start with the classic films from the '80s and move onto the more recent films from 2009. Enjoy plenty of popcorn and fun conversations during this entertaining evening.


Create a Spock costume

Transform yourself into Spock, one of the most iconic characters of Star Trek! Put together a costume with pointed ears, a blue shirt, black pants, and black boots. Make sure to practice your Vulcan salute so you can greet other Trekkies in style.


Hold a Star Trek trivia night

Put your friends' knowledge of Star Trek to the test by organizing an epic trivia night. Ask questions about the original series and movies as well as the newer films and TV shows. Have prizes ready for the winners and don't forget to serve green Romulan ale.


Bake some Star Trek cookies

Show your love for Star Trek with tasty treats! Bake sugar cookies shaped like starships or characters from the show. Decorate them with icing and add edible glitter to make them even more special.


Plan a viewing party

Invite your friends over for an old school Star Trek marathon viewing party! Pop some popcorn, break out the snacks, and get comfy on the couch as you watch episodes of The Original Series or The Next Generation.

Why We Love Star Trek Day


Star Trek promotes diversity

Star Trek is an iconic series that has promoted positive values including diversity, tolerance and respect since its original release almost 50 years ago. The show includes characters from different races, ethnicities, gender identities and sexual orientations – all working together to explore the galaxy and spread a message of peace and unity!


Star Trek pushes boundaries

The Star Trek franchise is known for pushing the boundaries of what's possible on television today. The creators have taken bold risks when it comes to storytelling, exploring complex social issues like racism, civil rights and immigration in ways that other shows don't often even attempt to do.


Star Trek has something for everyone

With its rich language and expansive universe, Star Trek offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking for action, adventure or intellectual stimulation - there's no doubt that this beloved sci-fi series has something for everyone to enjoy!

Star Trek Day FAQs

When is Star Trek Day?
Star Trek Day is celebrated annually on September 8th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Monday.

Star Trek Day Dates

Sep 8
Sep 8
Sep 8
Sep 8
Sep 8