August 16

World Honey Bee Day

Celebrate World Honey Bee Day by helping to protect these essential pollinators - plant bee-friendly plants, avoid pesticides, and support local beekeepers!

Yearly Date
Third Saturday in August


Celebrate World Honey Bee Day on the third Saturday of August! This special day was created to recognize and honor one of nature’s most important creatures: the honey bee. Bees have been around since the dawn of time, and they play an essential role in our environment. They help pollinate plants, provide us with delicious honey, and even produce wax for candles. Join us in celebrating these incredible creatures by learning more about their important role in our world and taking action to protect them!

World Honey Bee Day Timeline

9000 BC
Early Depictions of Honey Collection
Cave paintings in Spain depict early humans collecting honey from wild bees, indicating a long-standing relationship between humans and bees.
2400 BC
Beekeeping in Ancient Egypt
Beekeeping was well-established in Egypt, with bees being kept in artificial hives for the production of honey and beeswax.
Beekeeping in Europe
Beekeeping spread throughout Europe during this time, with many monasteries maintaining apiaries for honey and wax production.
Invention of the Langstroth Hive
Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth invented the modern beehive, which is still in use today, allowing for easier honey extraction and bee management.
Inauguration of World Honey Bee Day
US Pennsylvania State officially recognized the first state-wide Honey Bee Day, which then transformed into World Honey Bee Day, celebrated globally.
Present Day
Global Bee Population Threats
Bees face numerous threats such as habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change, making the observance of World Honey Bee Day vital for raising awareness and promoting conservation efforts.

How to Celebrate World Honey Bee Day


Plant bee-friendly plants

Bee-friendly plants provide nectar and pollen for honeybees, so plant some in your garden or window box. Marigolds, lavender, thyme, and sunflower are all great pollinator friendly plants.


Make a bee bath

Honey bees need water to survive, especially during the summer months. Create a bee bath by filling a shallow dish or bowl with rocks or pebbles and adding water. Place it in a sunny spot and watch the bees come.


Visit a local apiary

Check out a local apiary to learn more about bees, observe the bees at work, and maybe even get to taste some fresh honey. It's a great way to learn more about bees and the importance of honeybees to our environment.


Start beekeeping

If you have the space, consider starting beekeeping as a hobby. It requires patience and dedication, but it can be incredibly rewarding (not to mention delicious!).


Spread awareness

Help spread the word about the importance of honeybees by sharing facts about them on social media or writing a blog post about bee conservation.

Why World Honey Bee Day is Important


Honey bees are essential pollinators

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating many of the foods that we eat - from apples and oranges to tomatoes and almonds. Without them, food production would plummet, likely causing a global food crisis. Celebrating World Honey Bee Day is one way we can recognize the importance of these vital pollinators!


Honey bees are threatened

In recent years, honey bee populations have been in decline due to various environmental factors like habitat loss, pesticides and climate change. By celebrating World Honey Bee Day, we can raise awareness about this important issue and work towards protecting these essential creatures.


Honey bees provide us with honey

Honey has numerous health benefits and can be enjoyed in many different forms - from sweetening tea and coffee to being used as a healthy alternative to sugar in baking recipes. But without honey bees, we wouldn't get this delicious treat! So let's join together on World Honey Bee day and recognize the hardworking creatures that give us such an amazing gift!

World Honey Bee Day FAQs

When is World Honey Bee Day?
World Honey Bee Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in August, and in 2025, it falls on Saturday, August 16th.

World Honey Bee Day Dates

Aug 19
Aug 17
Aug 16
Aug 15
Aug 21