March 21

World Poetry Day

Celebrate World Poetry Day by sharing your favorite poems, writing your own verses, and discovering new works from around the world!

Yearly Date
March 21


Celebrate the wonder of words and language on World Poetry Day, March 21! This special day has been around since 1999 and was created to celebrate poetry in all its forms. It's a great opportunity to embrace your inner poet by writing some beautiful verses or reading works from renowned poets throughout history. Whether you're an experienced writer or just getting started, this is a wonderful chance to express yourself through creative expression.

World Poetry Day Timeline

Ancient Times
Birth of Poetry
Poetry dates back to prehistoric times and outdates literacy itself. The Epic of Gilgamesh, written in ancient Mesopotamia, is one of the earliest known works.
14th Century
Dante's Divine Comedy
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, an epic poem written in vernacular language, shaped the future of poetry and literature.
Romanticism Era
The 19th Century Romanticism era saw the works of poets such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and others who emphasized emotion and individualism.
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance marked a cultural, social, and artistic explosion. It was a period when African-American poets like Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen came to prominence.
UNESCO Proclaims World Poetry Day
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated March 21 as World Poetry Day to promote the reading, writing, publishing, and teaching of poetry worldwide.
Present Day
21st Century Poetry
Modern poetry continues to be celebrated and explored, ranging from traditional forms to free verse to spoken word. Poetry slams, digital platforms and social media have fostered engagement with poetry.

How to Celebrate World Poetry Day


Read a poem

Take time to pick up a well-known classic or explore a new, emerging poet. Read the poem aloud and appreciate its beauty.


Write a poem

Grab a pen and paper or open up a blank document on your computer and let your thoughts flow. Write about anything that comes to mind and share it with friends.


Attend a poetry reading

Visit your local bookstore, library or coffee shop for an evening of live readings from poets of all levels.


Listen to spoken word

Spoken word is an amazing way to experience poetry in a unique way. Look up spoken word artists on YouTube or SoundCloud and take the time to listen.


Share your favorite poem

Share your favorite poem with family, friends or even strangers online. Tag them with #WorldPoetryDay and spread the joy of poetry.

Why World Poetry Day is Important


Celebrates the power of words

Poetry has the power to move us, to make us laugh, or cry. Celebrating World Poetry Day allows us to recognize and appreciate the importance of language and its ability to bring people together.


Highlights diversity & culture

From epic tales of ancient times to modern free verse, poetry is a reflection of its author's culture and beliefs. By celebrating World Poetry Day, we can gain an understanding and appreciation for how different beliefs have helped shape the world as we know it today.


Inspires creativity

Poetry gives voice to our deepest thoughts and feelings in a way that is unique and creative. On World Poetry Day, we can be inspired by the words of great poets from all around the world and use those works to spark our own creative side!

World Poetry Day FAQs

When is World Poetry Day?
World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on March 21st, and in 2025, it will be observed on a Friday.

World Poetry Day Dates

Mar 21
Mar 21
Mar 21
Mar 21
Mar 21