March 20

World Sparrow Day

Let's spread our wings and celebrate World Sparrow Day - a day to raise awareness about these small but mighty birds and their importance in our ecosystem!

Yearly Date
March 20


Get ready to celebrate our feathered friends on World Sparrow Day on March 20! This day was first initiated in 2010 by the Nature Forever Society in India, with the goal of raising awareness about the declining population of sparrows and other common birds. These small, adorable birds have been a part of our lives for centuries and play an important role in maintaining balance in nature. On this day, we can take a moment to appreciate their beauty and learn how we can help protect them. So let's spread some love for these little creatures and make World Sparrow Day a memorable one!

World Sparrow Day Timeline

World Sparrow Day Initiated
The "Nature Forever Society" in India initiates the first-ever World Sparrow Day to raise awareness about the rapid decline in sparrows and other common birds.
Global Participation
World Sparrow Day gains global recognition, with individuals and organisations from across the world participating in the day's activities and campaigns.
Increase in Awareness Campaigns
Multiple awareness campaigns and conservation projects dedicated to sparrows are launched across various countries following the widespread attention to World Sparrow Day.
United Nations Recognition
The United Nations acknowledges World Sparrow Day, giving it an official international recognition that enhances its global influence.
Increasing Public Participation
Public participation in World Sparrow Day activities peaks, with widespread involvement in birdwatching sessions, seminars, discussions and art competitions around the world.

How to Celebrate World Sparrow Day


Build a birdhouse

Get crafty and build a birdhouse for sparrows to nest in. You can find instructions online or at your local hardware store. Hang it up in your backyard and watch as the sparrows make it their home.


Plant native plants

Sparrows thrive in areas with native plants, so why not celebrate World Sparrow Day by planting some in your garden? Not only will it attract sparrows, but it will also benefit your local ecosystem.


Host a bird-watching party

Invite friends over for a bird-watching party and see how many different species of sparrows you can spot. Make it a friendly competition and have prizes for the most sightings or best pictures.


Donate to a bird conservation organization

Celebrate World Sparrow Day by giving back to these little birds. Donate to a conservation organization that focuses on protecting sparrows and their habitats.


Educate others about sparrows

Spread awareness about the declining population of sparrows by educating others. Share facts and information about sparrows on social media or in your community to encourage others to take action and help protect these birds.

Why World Sparrow Day is Important


Raises awareness for an endangered species

World Sparrow Day aims to bring attention to the declining population of sparrows and the reasons behind it. This day is important in educating individuals on the impact of human activities on these birds and why it's crucial to protect them.


Promotes conservation efforts

By highlighting the importance of sparrows, World Sparrow Day encourages people to take action and support conservation efforts. It serves as a reminder to preserve habitats, reduce pollution, and make small changes in our daily lives that can have a positive impact on sparrow populations.


Celebrates the beauty and significance of sparrows

Sparrows may be small, but they play a big role in maintaining balance in ecosystems. World Sparrow Day is a celebration of their unique characteristics, behavior, and contribution to our world. It reminds us to appreciate and value all creatures, no matter how small.

World Sparrow Day FAQs

When is World Sparrow Day?
World Sparrow Day is celebrated annually on March 20th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Thursday.

World Sparrow Day Dates

Mar 20
Mar 20
Mar 20
Mar 20
Mar 20