November 8

World Town Planning Day

Celebrate World Town Planning Day and discover the importance of urban planning for sustainable communities!

Yearly Date
November 8


Celebrate World Town Planning Day on Nov. 8 and get ready for a day dedicated to urban planning and development! This special occasion has been celebrated since 1949 with the aim of highlighting the importance of well-thought out town planning in creating sustainable cities and communities. It’s also a great opportunity to learn more about urban development, from understanding zoning regulations to recognizing the different elements that make up successful towns and cities. So mark your calendars and join us in celebrating this amazing day!

World Town Planning Day Timeline

Birth of Modern Urban Planning
The cholera outbreak in London led to the beginning of modern urban planning when Dr. John Snow's map-based studies led to improvements in urban sanitation and infrastructure.
The Garden City Movement
Utopian planner Ebenezer Howard proposed the Garden City Movement, promoting self-contained communities surrounded by greenbelts.
Zoning Ordinance in America
The validity of zoning ordinances was upheld by the US Supreme Court in the "Village of Euclid, Ohio v. Ambler Realty Co." heralding a new era in urban planning.
UK Urban Planning Act
The Town and Country Planning Act was passed in the UK, requiring planning permission to be granted for land development.
First World Town Planning Day
Professor Carlos Maria della Paolera, from the University of Buenos Aires, established the first World Town Planning Day to highlight the role of planning in creating livable communities.
Sustainable Development Goals
The concept of sustainable urban development was emphasized in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, placing urban planning at the forefront of global efforts to create sustainable communities.

How to Celebrate World Town Planning Day


Attend a planning event

Check out your local chamber of commerce or other organization to find local events related to town planning. There may be a town hall meeting, a panel presentation, or even a community gathering with experts in the field.


Visit a planning museum

Many cities have museums that are dedicated to the history of town planning, architecture, and urban development. Check out one of these museums and learn about how cities were planned in the past.


Read up on planning topics

Take some time to brush up on some of the current issues and topics related to town planning. Read books and articles, watch documentaries, and follow blogs to get a better understanding of the industry.


Volunteer with a planning organization

Look for volunteer opportunities with organizations related to town planning. This could include helping out with an urban design project, writing for a newsletter, or organizing an event related to town planning.


Organize a neighborhood clean up

Organize a neighborhood clean up event and get people involved in taking care of their community. Encourage people to pick up trash, paint buildings, trim bushes, or whatever else is needed to improve the visual appeal of the neighborhood.

Why World Town Planning Day is Important


Town Planning promotes sustainable growth

By establishing plans for future developments and land use, town planners help ensure that the growth of cities and towns is done responsibly. They take into account the needs of businesses and residents, as well as environmental and infrastructure constraints, to ensure that any new developments are in line with a community's vision.


It reduces traffic and congestion

Town Planning helps reduce traffic and congestion by developing transportation networks that are efficient and effective. Planners take into consideration the volume of cars on the roads, public transit systems and bike routes so that citizens can have access to safe, reliable and affordable transportation options.


Town Planning creates livable communities

The goal of Town Planning is to create safe, enjoyable and livable communities that people can call home. Planners take into consideration the needs of all citizens - no matter their age or background - when creating safe pedestrian pathways, parks, playgrounds and other amenities needed for a thriving community.

World Town Planning Day FAQs

When is World Town Planning Day?
World Town Planning Day is celebrated annually on November 8th, and in 2025 it will fall on a Saturday.

World Town Planning Day Dates

Nov 8
Nov 8
Nov 8
Nov 8
Nov 8