May 1-31

ALS Awareness Month

Let's join together to raise awareness for ALS during ALS Awareness Month! Let's spread the word and help find a cure today!

Yearly Date
May 1


Each May, the world comes together to recognize and raise awareness of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Awareness Month. This year, it kicks off on May 1st and provides an important platform for people all over the world to learn more about this disease and how we can help those affected by it. ALS is a fatal neuromuscular disorder that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It has no known cure, but there are treatments available that can help ease symptoms and improve quality of life for those with ALS. Join us in advocating for better care and support for those with ALS during this month-long celebration!

ALS Awareness Month Timeline

ALS Is First Identified
French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot first identifies Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Lou Gehrig's diagnosis
New York Yankees baseball player Lou Gehrig is diagnosed with ALS - raising initial widespread awareness of the disease.
First Lou Gehrig's Day
Major League Baseball (MLB) establishes Lou Gehrig's Day, honoring the late player and bringing more awareness to the fight against ALS.
The ALS Association Inception
The ALS Association is established to raise funds for research and provide support for those affected by ALS.
Riluzole Approval
Riluzole, the first drug to treat ALS and potentially slow its progression, is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Ice Bucket Challenge
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge goes viral worldwide, raising over $115 million for ALS research and significantly boosting global awareness of the disease.

How to Celebrate ALS Awareness Month


Organize a fundraiser

Organizing a fundraiser is a great way to raise awareness and money for ALS Awareness Month. You can host an event like a bake sale, walkathon, or silent auction to help raise funds.


Share your story

Share your story to raise awareness about ALS. People can learn about what it is like to live with this condition and how it impacts people's lives.


Educate yourself

Take some time to educate yourself about ALS. Visit websites and read books about the condition, so you can be better informed about it.


Support a charity

Donate to an organization that is dedicated to helping those with ALS or researching the condition. Your donation will help fund research and provide support to those who need it.


Wear purple

Wearing purple is the official color of ALS Awareness Month. Wear purple clothing, accessories, and decorations to show your support for those living with ALS.

Why ALS Awareness Month is Important


Raise awareness for ALS

ALS Awareness Month is a great opportunity to spread the word about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and help raise awareness of this debilitating disease. By educating people on what ALS is and how it affects those struggling with it, we can work together to find better treatments and potentially discover a cure.


Increase support for families living with ALS

With increased awareness, more people are likely to become involved in fundraisers and donate money toward researching treatments for ALS. This additional financial assistance can make life easier for those affected by the disease, including their family and friends who provide them with care and emotional support throughout their journey.


Encourage positive action towards finding a cure

By raising awareness of ALS during this special month, we can motivate researchers and medical professionals to work together in order to find effective treatments or even an ultimate cure. A focused effort that brings everyone closer together will greatly improve our chances of success - something every person living with ALS deserves!

ALS Awareness Month FAQs

When is ALS Awareness Month?
ALS Awareness Month is observed every year in May, and in 2025, it will begin on Thursday, the 1st of May, and end on Saturday, the 31st of May.

ALS Awareness Month Dates

May 1
May 1
May 1
May 1
May 1