August 1-31

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

It's Children's Eye Health and Safety Month! Take the necessary steps to protect your child's vision and keep their eyes safe all year round.

Yearly Date
August 1


August marks the start of Children's Eye Health and Safety Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of eye health in children. Did you know that 80% of what children learn is through their eyes? That's why it's crucial to take care of their vision from a young age. This observance began in 1996, and since then, it has helped spread information about common eye problems in children, as well as promote safety measures to protect their eyesight. So let's celebrate this month by ensuring our little ones' eyes are healthy and safe!

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month Timeline

Inception of the Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month was established to emphasize the significance of eye health and safety in children.
National Guidelines Established
The American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus finalized national screening guidelines for children's vision.
Increase in Awareness Campaigns
Efforts to disseminate information about eye health and safety increased, with a focus on digital devices causing damage to young eyes.
Focus on Sports Eye Safety
The significance of children's eye protection during sports activities became a major point of emphasis in awareness campaigns.
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
With the rise in digital learning due to the pandemic, experts stressed on the need for regular eye check-ups and protecting children's eyes from excessive screen time.

How to Celebrate Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month


Schedule a comprehensive eye exam

The best way to ensure your child's eye health and safety is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist. This will help identify any vision problems and provide early intervention for any potential issues.


Educate children on eye safety

Teach children about the importance of protecting their eyes and how to do so. Discuss topics such as wearing protective eyewear during sports or activities, avoiding looking directly at the sun, and taking regular breaks from screen time.


Create art projects focused on eyes

Engage children's creativity by having them create art projects focused on eyes. This could include drawing their own eyes or making collages of different types of eyes. This will not only be fun, but also reinforce the importance of eye health.


Host a children's eye health and safety fair

Partner with local eye care professionals to host a children's eye health and safety fair. This can include fun activities, educational workshops, and free eye screenings for children.


Create a poster contest

Encourage children to get creative and design posters that promote eye health and safety. Have a contest with prizes for the winners and display the posters in schools or community centers to raise awareness about the importance of children's eye health.

Why Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month is Important


Children's eye health is crucial for their overall well-being

Proper eye care is essential for children's development, as their vision plays a significant role in their ability to learn, play, and interact with the world around them. By promoting good eye health practices during this month, we are helping ensure that children have the best chance at a healthy and successful future.


It raises awareness about common eye problems in children

Many parents may not realize that their child is experiencing vision issues until it starts to impact their daily activities. Children's Eye Health and Safety Month brings attention to common eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and lazy eye, allowing parents to seek early detection and treatment for their child.


It promotes safety measures to protect children's eyes

This month also highlights the importance of protecting children's eyes from potential hazards that can cause injury or vision loss. Whether it's wearing protective eyewear during sports or avoiding harmful toys and objects, Children's Eye Health and Safety Month reminds us to prioritize safety when it comes to our children's eye health.

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month FAQs

When is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month?
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month is observed every year in August, and in 2025, it will start on Friday, August 1st and conclude on Sunday, August 31st.

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month Dates

Aug 1
Aug 1
Aug 1
Aug 1
Aug 1