January 1-31

Get Organized Month

Ready to conquer clutter and chaos? Get Organized Month is the perfect time to declutter, streamline, and simplify your life!

Yearly Date
January 1


Happy New Year and welcome to Get Organized Month! As we kick off a new year, it's the perfect time to declutter, streamline, and start fresh. This month-long observance was created by the National Association of Professional Organizers in 2005 to help individuals and businesses tackle their cluttered spaces and improve their productivity. Whether you're a fan of Marie Kondo or just looking for some practical tips, there's no better time than now to get your life organized. So let's dive in and make this the most organized year yet!

Get Organized Month Timeline

First Day Planner
The first day planner, the predecessor to modern organization tools was introduced by a stationery company in Michigan.
Spread of Self-Help Books
Self-help guides on decluttering and organizing began to popularize in the 1980s, highlighting the importance of organization in daily life.
Emergence of Professional Organizers
The profession of "professional organizers", people hired to help others organize their homes and workplaces, started to emerge in the 1990s.
Establishment of GO Month
The National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) declared January as GO (Get Organized) month to increase public awareness of the benefits of organization.
Marie Kondo's Impact
Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo's philosophy of keeping only items that "spark joy" gained worldwide attention, leading to a renewed emphasis on decluttering.

How to Celebrate Get Organized Month


Declutter your space

Start by going through your belongings and getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. This will help create a more organized and functional space.


Create a cleaning schedule

Make a plan to regularly clean and organize different areas of your home or office. This will help you stay on top of clutter and maintain a more organized space.


Invest in storage solutions

Purchase bins, shelves, and other storage solutions to help keep your belongings organized and easily accessible. This can also help maximize space in smaller living or working areas.


Set realistic goals

Make a list of organizational goals and set achievable deadlines to help you stay motivated and on track. This could include organizing a specific area of your home or office, or creating a filing system for important documents.


Reward yourself

After completing a major organizational task or meeting a goal, treat yourself to something you enjoy. This will help motivate you to continue and make organizing feel more rewarding.

Why We Love Get Organized Month


Saves time and reduces stress

Being organized means having a system in place for everything, making it easier to find what you need when you need it. This can greatly reduce the time spent searching for misplaced items and help declutter your mind, reducing stress levels in the process.


Increases productivity and efficiency

Having an organized space also means having an efficient workflow. When things are cluttered and disorganized, it can be difficult to focus and complete tasks efficiently. By implementing organizational systems, you can streamline your work processes and increase productivity.


Improves overall well-being

Studies have shown that living in an organized environment can lead to improved mental and emotional well-being. Organization promotes clarity and peace of mind, allowing individuals to feel more in control of their surroundings and their lives.

Get Organized Month FAQs

When is Get Organized Month?
Get Organized Month is celebrated annually throughout January, and in 2025, it will start on Wednesday, January 1st and continue until Friday, January 31st.

Get Organized Month Dates

Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1