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Celebrate International Day of Cooperatives and support local businesses - shop small, think big!
Interested in Sponsoring International Day of Cooperatives?
It's time to celebrate International Day of Cooperatives on the first Saturday of July! This day is all about recognizing and appreciating the value that cooperatives bring to our communities. Cooperatives have been around for centuries, but it wasn't until 1992 that the United Nations made this special day an official event. It's a great opportunity to honor and support the cooperative movement, which provides much-needed services such as access to food, health care and financial services. So let's come together and celebrate International Day of Cooperatives!
Host a fundraiser for a local cooperative and raise money for their cause. Invite people to donate and offer fun activities to get involved in like raffles, silent auctions, bake sales, and more.
Take to social media and spread the word about cooperatives and how they benefit their members. Use your platform to share stories of successful cooperatives and get people talking.
Gather up some like-minded individuals and start your own cooperative. Through collective action you can work together to achieve common goals and reap the benefits of being part of a larger group.
Volunteer with an existing cooperative and help them out with their mission. You can offer your skills or just lend a helping hand when needed.
Local cooperatives often host events to celebrate their successes or bring awareness to their cause. Attend one of these events and learn more about what cooperatives are doing in your area.
Cooperatives put the power of decision-making in the hands of the workers. This helps to create a sense of ownership, responsibility and empowerment among employees who are part of a cooperative. It also serves as an example of how companies can operate with democratic government models that benefit everyone involved.
Cooperatives often draw members from their local community, which helps to strengthen economic ties between businesses and the people they serve. Plus, cooperatives often look for ways to give back to their communities; whether it's providing employment opportunities or sponsoring local events, cooperatives help to promote greater social engagement and unity within local areas.
Because cooperatives are owned by the workers, staff members often feel more motivated to do good work because their efforts directly benefit themselves and their fellow employees. As such, surveys show that employees who work at cooperatives typically experience higher job satisfaction than those who work at traditional corporate structures.