February 21

Language Day

Celebrate Language Day by learning a new language - explore the world, open up more opportunities, and expand your horizons!

Yearly Date
February 21


Mark your calendars for February 21, which is Language Day! This day celebrates the amazing diversity of languages in our world and encourages us to appreciate the beauty of different cultures. Language Day has been celebrated since the early 2000s and is an important reminder that language unites us all – no matter where we come from or what language we speak. So this year, why not use Language Day as a chance to learn something new about another culture or even just practice speaking a foreign language?

Language Day Timeline

Bangla Language Movement
The Bangla Language Movement took place in Bangladesh to recognize Bangla as an official language after the country was demanded to use Urdu.
UNESCO Proposal
UNESCO proposed to celebrate International Mother Language Day annually on February 21 to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.
First Language Day
The first International Mother Language Day was observed around the world to highlight the importance of preserving cultural heritage and diversity.
UN Resolution Passed
The United Nations General Assembly welcomed the decision by the UNESCO to proclaim February 21 as International Mother Language Day.
Year of Languages
UNESCO declared 2010 as the International Year of Languages to promote unity in diversity and international understanding, through multilingualism and multiculturalism.

How to Celebrate Language Day


Read a book in a foreign language

Challenge yourself to read a book in a language you don't know, or one that you are learning. This is a great way to practice and learn a new language.


Attend a language festival

Many cities and towns host language festivals, where people come together to celebrate the diversity of languages spoken in their community. Attend one of these events and attempt to converse in different languages, or just enjoy the performances and activities.


Play a language game

There are many different language games available online and on mobile devices. These games can help you learn new vocabulary and test your knowledge of grammar and syntax.


Watch a foreign film

Watching a foreign film is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the culture and language of a country. You can watch with subtitles in your native language or attempt to understand without them.


Learn a new language

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to celebrate Language Day. There are many online courses, apps, and books available to help you get started.

Why We Love Language Day


Language unites us

Language is a powerful tool for connecting people from different backgrounds and fostering understanding. Without language, it would be impossible to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and needs with one another. By learning new languages, we are able to access cultures that previously seemed out of reach and create a more open world.


Language reveals our history

Every language is unique – each one carries with it its own cultural heritage and history. By studying the evolution of language, we can learn about how different societies interacted in times past as well as uncover insights about why certain words or phrases have come to mean what they do today.


Language encourages creativity

Language can help us express ideas that would otherwise remain untouched by the written word. It has the power to motivate us and inspire new ways of thinking, helping us to break away from the mundane and focus on finding solutions that were formerly invisible to us.

Language Day FAQs

When is Language Day?
Language Day is celebrated annually on February 21st, and in 2025, it will fall on a Friday.

Language Day Dates

Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21