December 19

Look for an Evergreen Day

Discover the beauty of Look for an Evergreen Day - explore nature, appreciate your surroundings, and create lasting memories!

Yearly Date
December 19


Celebrate Look for an Evergreen Day on December 19 by getting out and looking for some evergreen trees! This special day was created to recognize the importance of the evergreen tree, which provides shelter and sustenance in many areas around the world. The day is also a reminder of the beauty and resilience of these trees that stay green all year round, even in winter. Whether you’re looking to find an evergreen to plant in your yard or simply take a walk through a nearby forest, Look for an Evergreen Day is the perfect time to pay tribute to this amazing species.

Look for an Evergreen Day Timeline

First Christmas Tree at Windsor Castle
Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle, popularizing the trend of decorating evergreen trees during winters.
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Tradition Begins
The tradition of putting up a giant Christmas tree in New York City's Rockefeller Center began, furthering the role of evergreens in holiday celebrations.
National Register of Big Trees
The first National Register of Big Trees was published by American Forests, helping raise awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving all types of trees, including evergreens.
National Tree Week Initiated
National Tree Week was initiated in the UK, fostering appreciation for all trees and encouraging mass plantings of several species, including evergreens.
Look for an Evergreen Day Celebrated
The first known references to Look for an Evergreen Day appear, encouraging individuals to appreciate the beauty and resilience of evergreen trees.

How to Celebrate Look for an Evergreen Day


Visit a local evergreen forest

Take a trip to a nearby evergreen forest and marvel at the majesty of these tall, lush trees. Take in the serenity of the natural environment and appreciate its beauty.


Plant an evergreen tree

If you have some extra space in your yard, consider planting an evergreen tree. This will not only add a touch of beauty to your home, but also provide a habitat for birds and other wildlife.


Create an evergreen wreath

Gather some evergreen branches from your local park or forest, then use some wire to create a wreath for your door or wall. Add some decorations for a festive feel.


Decorate with evergreen branches

Gather some evergreen branches from your local park or forest and use them to decorate your home. Place them in vases, hang them on walls or even make a garland to run along the stairs.


Organize an outdoor activity

Take a group of friends out into nature and organize an outdoor activity such as a hike, picnic or game among the evergreens. Enjoy the fresh air and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Why Look for an Evergreen Day is Important


Evergreen trees provide clean air

Evergreen trees play an important role in filtering out pollutants from the air. They act like a natural filter, helping reduce the amount of smog and improve air quality. This is essential for keeping our cities healthy and safe for everyone!


Evergreen trees help to cool the environment

Planting evergreen trees can help keep temperatures lower during hot summer months. The leaves absorb sunlight, which helps to keep the surrounding areas cooler. They also provide shade, providing protection from the sun's harsh rays and reducing heat stress in humans and animals!


Evergreen trees improve soil quality

Evergreens naturally fertilize the soil as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They also help protect vulnerable soils from extreme weather conditions such as flooding and drought by trapping moisture beneath their root systems. This helps create rich, loamy soil that is great for gardening or farming!

Look for an Evergreen Day Dates

Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19