December 19

National Emo Day

Celebrate National Emo Day with your friends - listen to your favorite bands, dress up in edgy clothes and embrace your emotions!

Yearly Date
December 19


Get ready to celebrate National Emo Day on December 19! This day was created to honor the music genre of emo and its lasting impact on fans all over the world. Since its emergence in the mid-1980s, this type of rock has been a source of solace for those dealing with mental health issues, as well as being a major influence in fashion and art. Celebrate this special day by listening to your favorite emo songs or gathering together with friends who share your passion for these often misunderstood tunes.

National Emo Day Timeline

Birth of Emo Genre
The emo genre was born out of the Washington D.C. hardcore punk scene with bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace.
Emo Enters Mainstream
In the mid-to-late 90s, bands such as Sunny Day Real Estate and Jawbreaker brought emo to a wider audience. From here, a new form of emo emerged known as “Midwest emo”.
Emo-Pop Emerges
Driven by bands like Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional, emo-pop becomes popular, influencing a new generation of bands and bringing emo to the pop charts.
Peak Emo Era
With bands such as My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At The Disco, the mid 2000s saw the peak of emo's popularity and cultural impact.
Emo Revival Movement
An emo revival begins to take shape with bands like The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die and Modern Baseball drawing on earlier emo influences.
Emo Influence on Pop Music
Emo influences become evident in mainstream pop music with artists like Machine Gun Kelly and Halsey incorporating emo elements into their music.

How to Celebrate National Emo Day


Listen to your favorite emo bands

Set aside a day to listen to all of your favorite emo bands like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Dashboard Confessional. Create a playlist or pop in an old CD and sing along.


Curate an emo movie night

Plan a movie night full of classic emo movies like Thirteen, Garden State, and Donnie Darko. Don't forget the popcorn!


Create an emo art project

Channel your inner artist and create something that expresses your emotions. Paint a picture, write a poem, or even build a sculpture.


Host an emo karaoke party

Gather up some friends for an evening of singing your favorite emo songs. Get creative with props and costumes for added fun.


Go shopping for 90s fashion

Get into the spirit of National Emo Day by shopping for some vintage 90s clothes and accessories. Raid the thrift store for flannels, band tees, and studded belts.

Why We Love National Emo Day


Emo music is catchy & fun

Emo music has a catchy and intense sound that makes you want to sing along. The lyrics often tell stories of heartbreak, pain and loss, and are full of energy and emotion that make it incredibly fun to listen to. So crank up the volume and get ready to rock out!


Emo fashion is creative & edgy

The iconic emo style embraces creativity and individuality. Think stripes, plaid, bright colors, studded belts, skinny jeans, band t-shirts - all put together in unique ways that express personal flair. Emo fashion is always unpredictable yet somehow always manages to look totally cool!


Emo culture unites people

At its core, emo culture is about connecting with others who share similar struggles and experiences. It creates a community where likeminded individuals can come together in acceptance and understanding without judgment. That’s why National Emo Day is such an important occasion - it celebrates everybody’s journey towards self love and acceptance!

National Emo Day FAQs

When is National Emo Day?
National Emo Day is celebrated annually on December 19, and in 2025, it will fall on a Friday.

National Emo Day Dates

Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 19