July 9

Martyrdom of the Bab

Honor the Martyrdom of the Bab by reflecting on his bravery and sacrifice for his faith. Let's remember and learn from his teachings of unity and love.

Yearly Date
July 9


July 9 marks the commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Bab, a significant event in the Baha'i faith. On this day in 1850, the Bab, a messenger and forerunner of Baha'u'llah, was executed in Iran for his teachings promoting unity and spiritual transformation. Despite facing persecution and opposition, his message continues to inspire millions around the world. The Martyrdom of the Bab is observed as a day of remembrance and reflection on his life and teachings, as well as a celebration of his legacy. Join in on this special occasion with prayer, acts of service, and spreading messages of peace and harmony.

Martyrdom of the Bab Timeline

Declaration of the Bab
The Bab declares his mission as a prophet, beginning the Babi movement within Shia Islam which would later evolve into the Baha'i faith.
Babis Persecution Escalates
Severe outbreaks of persecution led to the Bab's arrest and incarceration, beginning a period of trials and tribulations for him and his followers.
Martyrdom of the Bab
The Bab is executed in public, becoming a martyr for his faith. His death inspires many to commit to his message of unity and justice.
Revelation of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah, a disciple of the Bab, reveals himself as the promised one that the Bab prophesied about, and founds the Baha'i faith.
First Bab Commemoration
Followers of the Baha'i faith begin to observe the Martyrdom of the Bab, a day of remembrance and reflection on his teachings and sacrifice.

How to Celebrate Martyrdom of the Bab


Attend a prayer gathering

Gather with your community and attend a prayer gathering in honor of the Martyrdom of the Bab. This is a beautiful way to remember and honor the sacrifices made by the Bab.


Read or listen to writings of the Bab

Take some time to read or listen to the writings of the Bab, especially those that speak about his martyrdom. This will deepen your understanding and connection to this important event.


Create art or poetry inspired by the Bab

Get creative and express your feelings and thoughts about the Bab through art or poetry. This is a meaningful way to honor his memory and teachings.


Share stories of the Bab's life

Gather with friends and family and share stories and anecdotes about the life of the Bab. This is a wonderful way to learn more about him and keep his memory alive.


Visit a shrine or holy place

If possible, visit a shrine or holy place associated with the Bab, such as the Shrine of the Bab in Haifa, Israel. This is a powerful way to connect with his spirit and pay homage to his memory.

Why Martyrdom of the Bab is Important


It celebrates the life of an important religious figure

Martyrdom of the Bab commemorates the death of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází, also known as the Bab. He is a central figure in the Bahá'í faith and his teachings set the foundation for the development of this religion. This holiday is an opportunity to remember and honor his contributions to the Bahá'í faith.


It highlights the importance of sacrifice and martyrdom in the Bahá'í faith

In the Bahá'í faith, sacrificing one's own life for their beliefs is seen as honorable and a way to bring about spiritual growth. Martyrdom of the Bab serves as a reminder of this belief and honors those who have sacrificed their lives for their faith.


It brings together members of the Bahá'í community

Martyrdom of the Bab is an important holiday in the Bahá'í calendar and is typically celebrated by members of this community around the world. This holiday serves as a time for families and friends to come together and reflect on the teachings of their faith and honor those who have sacrificed their lives for it.

Martyrdom of the Bab FAQs

When is Martyrdom of the Bab?
The Martyrdom of the Bab is observed every year on July 9th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Wednesday.

Martyrdom of the Bab Dates

Jul 9
Jul 9
Jul 9
Jul 9
Jul 9