August 15

National Back To School Prep Day

Ready to get back to school? National Back To School Prep Day is here - stock up on supplies, plan for success, and start the year off right!

Yearly Date
August 15


It's time to get ready for the school year with National Back To School Prep Day on August 15! This day has been celebrated since 1993, when it was first created by educators as an opportunity for kids and parents to prepare for the upcoming school year. It's a great chance to make sure that you have all of your supplies, get organized, and start getting into a back-to-school routine so you can hit the ground running in September.

National Back To School Prep Day Timeline

Creation of the Holiday
Back To School Prep Day was established by educators to help students and parents prepare for the upcoming school year.
First National Campaign
The holiday is recognized nationally with several retail stores providing discounts and promotions to aid preparation for the new school year.
Digital Preparation Guides
Websites and blogs begin offering digital guides and resources to assist in back to school preparations.
Green School Supplies
The demand for eco-friendly school supplies rose, leading to increased availability and promotion of such products.
Prep during Pandemic
The need for online learning supplies surged due to the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting the focus of prep day to include digital readiness and home-schooling resources.

How to Celebrate National Back To School Prep Day


Organize your school supplies

Go through all of your school supplies and organize them by subject, color, or whatever makes sense for you. This will help you be prepared for classes and have everything at your fingertips.


Stock up on snacks

Head to the store and stock up on your favorite snacks to fuel you through study sessions and classes. Try to get some healthy options too!


Set up a studying space

Find a spot in your home that is quiet and comfortable, where you can spread out your textbooks and notes without having to worry about distractions.


Create a schedule

Start planning out the weeks ahead so that you can stay on top of all of your classes, extracurricular activities, and studying.


Connect with classmates

Reach out to classmates online or in person to form a study group or just catch up before classes start. This can help build relationships that last throughout the year.

Why National Back To School Prep Day is Important


It helps ease the transition back to school

Getting ready for the start of a new school year can be stressful, but preparing ahead of time can help make the transition smoother. National Back To School Prep Day encourages parents and students to get organized in advance by buying supplies, setting up a homework schedule, and establishing good study habits to ensure a successful school year.


It's an opportunity for parents & children to bond

National Back To School Prep Day is the perfect opportunity for parents and children to come together and work as a team. By working together on tasks such as shopping for school supplies or creating a study plan, it shows your child that you are there to support them throughout their educational journey.


It gets kids excited about learning

Getting ready for the start of a new academic year gives young people the chance to renew their commitment to learning. It offers an exciting opportunity for children to explore new subjects and topics that may peak their interest. Plus, preparing ahead of time can help reduce stress levels and allow them to focus on having fun during their learning experience!

National Back To School Prep Day FAQs

When is National Back To School Prep Day?
National Back To School Prep Day is observed annually on August 15th, and in 2025, it will take place on a Friday.

National Back To School Prep Day Dates

Aug 15
Aug 15
Aug 15
Aug 15
Aug 15