January 1-31

National Bath Safety Month

Make sure your family stays safe during National Bath Safety Month - check for hazards, install safety products, and know the signs of drowning.

Yearly Date
January 1


Happy New Year! Let's kick off the year right by celebrating National Bath Safety Month on January 1. This holiday was created to raise awareness about the importance of bath safety and proper hygiene habits. It's also a great time to learn more about bathroom hazards that can cause accidents or injuries. Throughout the month, you can take steps to ensure your family is safe in the bathroom and educate yourself on ways to prevent harm from happening. So let's get started and make this a safe and healthy New Year!

National Bath Safety Month Timeline

Bathtub Safety Movement
In the 1920s, concerns about safety and hygiene led to debates about the design and significance of bathtubs, initiating a movement for safer bathroom environments.
Non-Slip Surfaces Invented
Development of non-slip surfaces for bathtubs and showers, initially used in industrial settings, was a major advancement in bath safety.
Identification of Drowning Risks
Research during the 1980s revealed children under four were at the highest risk for bathtub drownings, creating urgency for bath safety precautions.
Safety Regulations Introduced
An increase in regulations for childproofing products and bath safety measures helped decrease the accident rate during this decade.
National Bath Safety Month
January was declared as National Bath Safety Month to spotlight and promote safe bath practices, especially for children.
Innovation in Bath Safety
The escalation in smart home technology led to further innovations in bath safety like smart showers and bathtubs, ensuring better safety precautions.

How to Celebrate National Bath Safety Month


Inspect your bathroom

Check your bathroom for any hazards such as loose tiles, slippery floors, and wet surfaces. Take the necessary precautions to ensure your bathroom is safe for family and guests.


Install grab bars

Grab bars are a great way to provide additional stability and support in the bathroom. Grab bars are especially important for seniors or those with mobility issues.


Organize your bathroom

Organizing the items in your bathroom can help prevent slips and falls. Keep frequently used items within easy reach to prevent hazardous reaching or stretching.


Teach safety tips

Teach children how to safely use the bathtub and shower, how to properly turn on and off the water, and how to spot potential dangers in the bathroom.


Check smoke alarms

Make sure all smoke detectors are in working order in case of an emergency. Test them regularly and replace batteries at least once a year.

Why National Bath Safety Month is Important


It encourages water safety

Bath Safety Month is an important reminder to practice water safety and minimize the risk of accidental drowning in bathtubs, pools, hot tubs and other water sources. It's important to always supervise children near water sources, keep pools and hot tubs secure and ensure that bathtubs are properly drained after use.


It helps promote good bathroom habits

Bathroom accidents can be prevented by developing and adhering to good hygiene habits. During National Bath Safety Month, emphasize cleanliness, hygiene, and potential dangers posed when using slippery surfaces. Encourage adults and children to take necessary precautions for a safe and healthy bathing experience.


It encourages proper bathing practices

From selecting the best products for your skin type to knowing how long to spend in a shower or bath, there are many things we can all do for our health and safety when it comes to bathing. National Bath Safety Month reminds us of the importance of using caution when temperatures of baths or showers are too high, using non-slip mats while bathing, avoiding distractions like electronics near sinks or baths, and never leaving a child unattended near a body of water.

National Bath Safety Month FAQs

When is National Bath Safety Month?
National Bath Safety Month is observed annually throughout the month of January, beginning on New Year's Day and concluding on January 31st; in 2025, it starts on a Wednesday.

National Bath Safety Month Dates

Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1